Chapter 3

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[Luke's POV]

Ashton's expression was hilarious. His eyes were widen and jaw dropped slightly, clenching his messenger bag and I raised an eyebrow, walking over, placing my finger under his chin and closed his mouth,"Unless you wanna have flies for dinner, I suggest closing your mouth."

He glared, but shifted and stood up straighter asking,"Why do you, a 17 year old, own a motorcycle? It is pretty dangerous..."

I rolled my eyes, though he couldn't see since I had shades on,"I had money saved and wanted to buy one. Now, c'mon. We should head out before people start asking for a ride, it's happened before."

"Wait, you want me to get on that?" He asked, pointing to my motorcycle and looking at me like I said I had 2 dicks.

I scoffed, nodding and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the bike,"Yes, now shut up, take the helmet and let's go."

"No way, I will just walk and follow you," He said, pushing the helmet to me. As he tried turning, I grabbed his hand and turned him around, putting the helmet on him and ignored his attempt to push my hands away. Once it was on his head, I clipped the buckle and he pouted,"Hey! I said I would not ride with you, and where is your helmet?"

"I only have one," I shrugged, sitting on the motorcycle and patted behind me,"C'mon, stop being a pain in the ass and sit down. It's honestly not that bad, you just have to hold on tight and close your eyes."

He hesitated, but made sure his messenger bag was sturdy on him and got on behind me, slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. I pulled it into gear and as I did, Ashton tightened his arms around me at the sound. I chuckled and he stuttered out,"S-Sorry."

Not bothering to reply, I began riding and he held on really tight, almost enough to make me lose my breath, but I just ignored. It was risky to ride without a helmet, but I knew it would make him feel safe. Plus, I've ridden without one before when I took Michael and Calum for a ride and didn't mind.

When we got to the building, I stopped and put the lever down. I turned to Ashton after turning it off and he still had his arms around me. I chuckled, taking his hands and slowly pulling them from around me.

I got off and helped him, then unbuckled the helmet and took it off, putting it on the gear of the motorcycle. His hair was matted down slightly and he ruffled it a bit to give them more of a bouncy look.

"So, was it really that bad?" I questioned, giving him an amused look.

He sighed, shaking his head and bit his lip slightly,"It was fine. I just did not like the fact that you were not wearing a helmet. You could have gotten pulled over Luke, what would your parents do if they found out?"

I cleared my throat, shrugging,"I dunno. But, c'mon, I wanna show you something. I think you might like it."

"I highly doubt that," He said, though let me take his hand and lead him toward a fire escape ladder. I climbed up and he followed, groaning and said,"This is really disgusting. There are probably many germs on these, you know? A homeless man could have touched this and it is rather rusty."

"You're annoying, did you know that?" I scoffed, getting to the roof and watched as he finished climbing, shrieking when he touched the dried up bird poop. I grabbed his hand and helped him up.

He looked around and took a mini hand sanitizer from his bag. I scoffed and he shot me a dry look,"Excuse me, but I think it is always smart to bring hand sanitizer around. You never know when you might need it."

Deciding to ignore him, I walked over to the edge and looked over it, seeing cars driving by and people walking around, though they look a bit smaller from where I was. Ashton followed and hesitantly looked down. I smirked, nudging him slightly and he gasped, clinging onto me.

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