Chapter 18

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[Luke's POV]

"We got more dishes, Hemmings," Said Beth, a fellow co-worker of the Sing N' Dine. She was the only nice one, the others were always judging me based on my piercings and tattoos, which is rather rude to say the least.

I wasn't suppose to work today, but I got extra shifts so I could get paid more to get Ashton a nice Christmas present. I had to use the first couple pay checks for the bills, but now I can save money to get him the perfect gift.

It makes me a bit sad to know whatever I get him, he could buy himself since he has so much money. I know he already had my present, he kept grinning about it at lunch, saying how he was hoping I'd like it and I assured him I'd like anything he got me, even if it was nothing.

I sighed as Beth sat down a pile of plates and cups. She gave me a sympathetic smile and said in her thick Irish accent,"Don't worry lad, it'll all be worth it once you get that boy of yours his present and see that big 'ole smile on his face!"

"Thanks Beth," I said honestly, imagining his smile and continued washing the dishes, a bit more eagerly this time. I already had a present in mind, and since the boys and I are going shopping later, I knew I'd have money by then since I'm getting paid before I leave today.

Once I was done with work, I headed to the bank and cashed out my check before going home and seeing Calum and Michael giggling quietly on the couch. I was still beyond angry with them, I barely talked to them for a week, but they're my friends, so of course I forgive them a little.

"Ready to go? I don't have all day," I told them impatiently, changing my shirt quickly with one that I had hung up by the door, since I tend to strip in the living room and leave things everywhere.

It's not like it matters, we're the only ones that live here, so we just let things hang out and walk around shirtless. The place is way too small to care about privacy and such. Besides, they have sex on the couch so I can change infront of them.

The two nodded and we headed to the mall, walking. I feel bad driving on my motorcycle when they walk, so I usually walk with them. The only reason I had a motorcycle was because I needed transportation and when I first got kicked out, I had money saved and being an idiot, I thought, why not spend all of my money on a bike instead of a house?

They held hands, swinging them happily as we walked and I frowned. Why are they allowed to be happy together if I have to fight to be with Ashton? They're such hypocrites, it's really not fair and I hope they change their mind on him.

My phone suddenly rang and I smiled, seeing it was Ashton. I answered it with a grin,"Hi princess, what's up?"

"I was just wondering what you were doing today? I wanted to see if it was possible to see you today, my parents are out and Emma would not be bothered with me sneaking out," He giggled quietly, probably feeling like a badass for sneaking around his parents, which was really cute.

I chuckled, imagining his beaming face and said,"I'm sorry Ash, but I'm with Michael and Calum right now. Maybe we can hang out later if you're up for it. What are you doing right now anyways?"

"Oh, just baking some cookies with Emma. They smell magnificent! I was bored, so we thought we should just bake, if we see each other tonight I am willing to bring some if you wish?" He told me with a sheepish voice, and I know he's probably assuming that he sounds girly, but I found it endearing that he was willing to bring me cookies.

He's so cute.

I nodded, even if he couldn't see me and ignored Michael and Calum's annoyed expression,"Sure, I'd love that princess. I gotta go, we're at the mall. But, I'll call you later tonight and see if we can still hang out."

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