You Cuddle With Another Boy

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Ashton: “Michael,” You drew out the letters of his name in an efforts to get his attention. He turned his head to you, his eyebrow raised. “Yes?” He said, as you sat on the couch, curled up. “When is Ash getting back?” You said laughing as he came to sit down beside you. “I think later on tonight, why?” He said, leaning his head against the cushions. You could tell he was tired, the bags under his eyes predominant, and his skin was even paler than normal. He was exhausted, this was the first break in touring that the band had had in months. “I miss him” You said sheepishly, looking down at your hands. You had been more than happy to see Ashton when he came home, as you launched yourself into his arms savouring every feeling of his being around you. But when he came home, he made an effort to see everyone he knew, missing his family, his old friends, even some co-workers. He was out with his friends, right now, promising to be home later. “He won’t be long (Y/N),” Michael said smiling. “Come here,” He said opening his arms in an efforts to give you a hug. You obliged, curling up in his arms. He wasn’t Ashton, but he was still someone to cuddle with. “You really like him don’t you?” He said, and you smiled. “I really do,” You replied simply, no other explanation necessary. “He really likes you (Y/N), we can see it. He just lights up when he talks about you, and he is always complaining about how much he misses you.” You snuggled further into Michaels chest, feeling fatigue take over you. You could feel your eyes drooping as you let yourself fall into his lap, not really minding that it was Michael. He didn’t try and move you, as you finally let your tiredness get the better of you, before falling into a restless slumber. 

You were still asleep when the door rattled, and Ashton stepped through. He was eager to see you, so when he kicked off his shoes and walked into the living room he couldn’t help but smile at the sight before him. You were curled up with your head on Michaels lap, and his hand resting on your arm, as his head was leaning back against the cushion. You both were fast asleep, obviously waiting up for him. He quickly grabbed his phone and snapped a picture, before posting it to twitter. “@/Ashton5SOS: Look what I came home to, they’re adorable! xx” He walked by you two, putting his jacket in your room and changing quickly to walk back out. He didn’t know if he should wake you both, but he knew if he didn’t you both would wake up with sore backs and necks. “Hey you two,” He said, his voice loud, but soft at the same time. Your eyes fluttered a little, and when they opened you sat up quickly, smiling sheepishly as you rubbed your eyes. Immediately Michael was roused from his sleep before itching the back of his neck. “How long were we out for?” He asked, looking for a clock. “I would say a good couple of hours.” You said yawning. “We fell asleep waiting for you. It was strictly cuddles.” You said, blushing. “I know I can trust you two, don’t worry. Why don’t we head to bed? You still look tired.” He said coming to stand in front of you and outstretching his hands. You took them gratefully and pulled yourself up, immediately to be wrapped up in his arms. “Night Mikey,” You said smiling at him, before following Ashton into the bedroom, where you instantly fell asleep in the arms of your boyfriend.

Calum: You were watching a movie, something to pass the time when Luke came by, seeing you sitting by yourself. “What are you watching?” He asked, staring at the screen. “P.S I love you,” You said, staring at the screen. It had only just started, and you were excited to see it, seeing as you had never seen it before. “I’ve never seen it before,” Luke said, “Mind if I watch it with you?” He asked sheepishly. You shook your head, patting the spot next to you. He came over to sit beside you, propping his feet on the table in front of you. You undid the blanket around your shoulders and offered him some, which he took gladly. You snuggled into the cushions, preparing for the movie. 

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