Rainy Days

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Credit: http://fallenforbands.tumblr.com/post/67069251883/5sos-preference-38-rainy-days


You frowned as you read the weather forecast for about the billionth time in the past minute. “Babe,” He says, slowly pulling your phone out of your hands. “You refreshing the weather app every two seconds isn’t going to make it stop raining.” He says with a smile. “I know Ash, but today was supposed to be our special day and I had everything planned out! It was going to be perfect but then it decided it had to rain today, of all days out of the 365 days in a year it chooses today! I’m telling you mother nature is out to get to me.” You finished your little rant and crossed your arms only to have Ashton uncross them and pull you into him. “We still can  have a perfect day. As long as we’re together, that’s what’s important.” The corners of your lips stretch into a smile. “As long as we’re together.” You repeat, pressing your forehead against his and joining your lips together.


"Michael!" You call out. "Yes Y/N?" He says, not bothering to pause the game he was so intently focused on. "I’m bored." "What am I supposed to do about your boredom, exactly?" You sigh. "How about you turn off the T.V and we go outside." You suggest, earning a groan from your lazy boyfriend. "Do we have too?" He whines. "Yes. Now turn it off and get dressed." You say sternly. He groans again and sluggishly makes his way off to the bedroom. He returns moments later, fully dressed. Intertwining your hand with his, you begin your trek to the local cafe. "Maybe we should turn back babe." Michael says, glancing at the dark clouds that were forming overhead. "It’ll be fine Mikey, just keep walking." You say and pull him forward. A bell rings when you swing the cafe door. Greeted by the scent of ground coffee and cinnamon, you allow yourself to relax and enjoy the time you had with Michael. "Y/N." Michael says as you clear your table. "Yes Mikey?" You reply, focusing on not dropping the tray you were carrying. "Look outside." He says flatly. You lift your head for a moment to see the raging storm that must have started when you reached the safe walls of the cafe. "Now what do we do?" Michael says smugly. "Just follow me." You extend your hand out to him. He looks at you suspiciously. "Uh what are you thinking babe?" "For crying out loud Mikey, stop being a pussy and take my hand." You exclaim. He shakes his head but takes your hand anyway. You push open the door and run right into the middle of the storm, allowing the tiny droplets to rush down your body. Michael immediately releases your hand and stays under the tarp outside the cafe. "COME HERE MICHAEL!" You scream over the rain and he shakes his head. "LET LOOSE MICHAEL! LET’S DANCE IN THE RAIN!" You scream, twirling around in the rain. "You’re crazy!" He calls out as he finally rushes into the rain, following his crazy girlfriend. 


Wrapping your hands around the warm mug, you sink deeper into the couch, enjoying the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof. As you close your eyes, you don’t notice Calum lazily shuffling into the living room with his hair still a mess and his sweatpants lazily hanging on his hips. “Morning baby.” He says, sinking into the couch beside you. Kissing your temple, he wraps his arms around you allowing your bodies to morph together. “Morning.” You reply, your voice still slow from when you woke up a few hours ago.”What are you thinking about?” He says as he notices the dreamy expression on your face. “Nothing.” You sigh. “Come on baby, tell me.” He says, angling his body so he is facing you. “It’s stupid and cheesy.” You say as you pull your knees into your chest. “Please tell me.” “Well, when I was younger I always had this fantasy of being kissed in the rain by someone I loved.” Your voice trails off with each word. “That’s cute.” He says. Gently cupping your face with his hands, he kisses your lips softly. “Why don’t I make your fantasy a reality?” He says softly, a cheesy grin on his face. You giggle softly. “Now you’re the cheesy one.” You say. He smiles and stands up, extending his hand out to you which you gladly take. Running out underneath the rain, Calum twirls you around and around before lifting you up in the air. He slowly lowers you down to the ground and presses his soft, wet lips to yours. You pull away from the embrace and he wraps his hands around the your waist. The two of you sway to the sound of the rain. “I love you Y/N.” He whispers over the sound of the rain hitting the pavement. “I love you even more.” You say, as if you wanted to add to the cheesiness of the situation. Your lips mesh together for one more embrace. You truly had the perfect boyfriend..


You knock on your boyfriends door, anxious to get out of the ice cold rain that was soaking through your clothes and dripping down your face. The door opens and you’re immediately pulled into his warm arms. “You’re soaked.” He states, earning a giggle from you. “Thanks for pointing out the obvious baby. Do you have anything I could wear?” “Of course, come with me,” He says, leading you to his bedroom. He tosses you one of his shirts and pair of old boxers. “I could’ve picked you up you know.” “I didn’t want to be a bother.” You say from behind the door as you change into your boyfriends clothes. “You could never be a bother. Plus I don’t like the fact that you were walking all alone in this weather.” “I’m a grown women, I can handle myself.” You say as you step out of the bathroom and into his room. “I know you can handle yourself but I worry about you.” He states, pulling you into his arms. His warm hands run up your cold arms, causing more goosebumps to form on your skin. “You’re still cold.” He says softly. “Make yourself comfy and I’ll be right back.” He stalks out of the room, returning moments later with two blankets, some movies, a bag of popcorn and two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. “You’re the best baby.” You say as you wrap your hands around the hot mug. “Anything for my princess.” He says as he cuddles into you. Wrapping yourselves in the blankets Luke brought, you divert your attention to the movie on the screen. “Still cold?” He asks. You shake your head lazily. “I’m tired.” You yawn. “Than go to sleep baby girl.” He allows you to rest your head on his chest, giving you a nice pillow to doze off on. “Sleep tight baby.” He says quietly, placing a sweet kiss to your forehead.

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