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"Merry Christmas," you said, and he kissed the top of your head, giggling as he did. "Merry Christmas," he said back, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to lead you to their dining room. Today was Christmas day, and Ashton’s mum decided to invite you over to have lunch with them. By them, she meant the entire family - with Harry and Lauren of course. Although it wasn’t your first time meeting them, you still felt nervous because you don’t wanna look like an idiot in front of your boyfriend’s parents. Ashton must have noticed your worries, and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Don’t worry about it, you’ll do fine. It’s just a Christmas lunch," he says, as he pulls you into the dining room, where his family was. Anna greeted you with a huge smile on her face, and Harry ran over to you laughing. "Merry Christmas Y/N," Harry smiled and you patted his head with a giggle. "Merry Christmas Harry, it’s been so long," Lauren also came up to you and pecked your cheek, making you blush a little. You were always close to the little ones, they were really sweet and just so adorable. You took a seat right next to Ashton, and Anna started talking to you about your life. You did your best to answer the questions and you even shared a laugh with them every now and then. Once you were finished with the lunch, you and Ashton volunteered to clean up afterwards. You were now in the kitchen with Ashton, washing the dirty dishes that were used a few minutes ago. "I still can’t believe that your family likes me," you muttered, shaking your head slightly. Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, as he cupped your cheeks, "Why can’t you believe that? They will be your family soon as well," His words made you flush like a tomato, and you blinked a few times, averting your gaze to the dishes you were trying to wash. If only he wasn’t such a distraction. "Are you saying-" "I’m saying that I want to marry you someday, and that I’m willing to spend the rest of my life with you, basically," he smiles, his forehead now on mine. "I love you so freaking much. And I just want to make this promise now," he says. He pulls something out from his pocket, and it was a beautiful necklace. It had a silver chain, and a small heart charm with your name engraved in it. You turned around, and he put it on your neck. You gasped when the cold metal came in contact with your bare skin, and he kissed your neck. "Love you," he whispered and you smiled, happiness welling up inside of you.


"Do we even have to buy presents?" Michael groaned as he walked side by side with you, taking your small hand in his huge ones. You shot him a look and rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head. You were shopping for Christmas gifts as he had just gotten back from LA, and Christmas was right around the corner. He was too lazy to come with you though, you literally had to drag him out of his bed, as you wanted to be early, but he slept at around three in the morning. "Yes, we do Michael, get into the Christmas spirit, for Christ’s sake," you replied, pulling him into one of the shops nearby, earning another groan from him. You were honestly too lazy for Christmas shopping as well, but you had to buy presents for all the people you cared about because Christmas time only comes once a year. You eyed all the beautiful accessories they had on sale, your eyes twinkling at the sight of all the beautiful bracelets and amulets they were selling. Your eyes may have stopped upon seeing a beautiful necklace which had a small padlock charm, along with another one that had a key. It seemed like a couple necklace, and you really wanted to buy it for you and Michael. You sighed in disappointment upon seeing the price tag though, and eventually gave up on finding a gift for yourself. The next few days passed by in a blur, and it was finally Christmas morning. You smiled upon entering the Clifford residence, Karen shooting you a huge smile as you entered the living room. "Y/N, you’re here! Merry Christmas sweetheart," she says, kissing you on the cheek. You kissed her cheek as well, giggling, "Merry Christmas to you too, Karen. Is Michael here?" She nodded, gesturing towards his room upstairs and you thanked her, clutching his gift in your hand. You ascended the steps, and entered his room where you expecting him to be asleep - but he wasn’t. You gasped at seeing him awake before eight in the morning and he just shot you a look, knowing what was running through your head. Before you got the chance to speak though, he shoved a tiny velvet box in your hand, grumbling. You didn’t know he got something for you, in fact, you didn’t even see him show any interest in buying anything when you went shopping a few days ago. You hastily opened the box and there laid the beautiful lock amulet you were eyeing the other day. You looked at him in awe and he shrugged, "I figured I would buy you something as well. Merry Christmas," he says as he places a kiss on your forehead.


Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned when you felt the early morning rays hit you, making you shift. You pulled the covers over you, smiling when you became comfortable again. All you wanted to do was sleep, and that was exactly what you were planning to do - not until you heard barking and someone jumped on your bed, making you bounce. “Wake up baby, it’s Christmas morning!” Your boyfriend yelled as he continued to jump up and down your bed. The movement made your head hurt and you groaned, chucking a pillow in his direction. You heard an impact, and smiled victoriously as he stopped jumping. “Get up, you lazy bum!” Calum growled as he tore the covers off your body in one strong pull. You gasped and shot him a glare, sitting up, “Calum Hood, I was trying to get back to sleep!” He laughed and picked up the nearest pillow, throwing it at you, hitting you square in the face. He burst into laughter, then hurriedly sped out of the room, leaving you fuming in anger and annoyance. “Calum Thomas Hood, come back here or I swear,” you yelled, running after him. You sped through the hallways, then down the stairs, pausing to look around for the raven-haired lad. “Where are you, you little shit?” You whispered, silently making your way to the kitchen, but frowned upon seeing it empty. “Wha-” You squealed when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, spinning you around the kitchen. You giggled, slapping his arm and told him to let you down, and he set you onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. “Merry Christmas lovely,” he smiled as he began to press gentle kisses onto your neck. You burst into a fit of giggles and smiled, pecking his cheek lightly, “Merry Christmas Cal,”


You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, making you jump slightly. You looked down and fished your phone out of your pocket, checking out the new notification. It was a text message from your boyfriend, and you opened it with a smile plastered on your face. The message read, “Hey babe, I need you outside at the front porch :—-)” You chuckled at your boyfriend’s lame use of those smileys with noses. You shoved your phone back in your pocket and made your way to the front porch, where you were greeted with the beautiful Christmas lights shining in the darkness. Your boyfriend greeted you with a kiss on the cheek and you sighed, “What is it this time Luke?” His lips curled into a sheepish smile, and he just shrugged. “Can’t I call you out here without having any reason at all?” You chuckled at his reply and rolled your eyes, setting your hands on your hips, “Seriously Luke, what do you want?” He turned around and walked towards the railing, “I just wanted to spend time with you out here, is that too much to ask, Y/N?” His reply made you smile right then, and you skipped towards the railing, hopping on it with a grin. By now you were sitting down on the railing, with Luke standing in front of the railing and you planted a kiss onto his head. “I can’t believe Christmas is tomorrow,” You tell him, all the memories of this year flashing in your mind. You can remember each and every kiss you shared with him, all the fights and all the I love you’s. His lips twitched into a smile as he looked up at you, “I can’t believe you’re still here after an entire year of being with me,” he says, getting in between your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist to hug you. “I’m the one who should be saying that, you’re too good for me,” you replied, burying your head in his shoulder, as he was a fucking giant. You heard him chuckle and you looked up, your eyes widening as your eyes see the mistletoe set above the two of you. “A mistletoe,” you pointed to the mistletoe above you, which made Luke smirk at you. “I’ve been waiting for you to notice,” he says as he pulls you in for a kiss. You didn’t understand how he can make you feel all these emotions, because right now, as you’re kissing him, it feels like there are sparks flying everywhere. He makes you feel this way without even trying, and that’s something you love so much.

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