He surprises you for your anniversary

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Credit: http://cutelucas.tumblr.com/post/80965924081/5sos-preference-73-he-surprises-you-for-you


"How much longer?" You let out a whine, and you heard him chuckle from behind you. "Just a little more," he whispers in your ear, making you shiver in delight. Today was a very special day for the both of you, as today was your third year anniversary as a couple. You seriously didn’t expect to be with him for so long, it surprised the both of you honestly. But of course, you loved Ashton so much and you liked that you managed to stay strong after three years of being together. Ashton was one of the most unpredictable people you know, and his surprises were the very best. He took you to an All Time Low concert last year, and somehow managed to convince Alex to dedicate your favorite song to you, which made your entire month. The sound of waves filled your ears, and your lips tugged into a smile, realizing where Ashton took you. He stopped, his hands leaving your shoulders and made their way to the blindfold, untying the piece of cloth from your head. Your eyes fluttered open, and you squinted as the warm sunlight blinded you for a moment. Once your eyes adjusted to the light, you inhaled long and hard, taking in the smell of the beach. The beautiful blue hue of the water, mixed with the smell of the salty water and the ocean breeze made you feel ecstatic - it’s been a long time since you last went to the beach. To say you’ve missed the beach is an understatement, honestly. You turned around to face him and your eyes landed on the dinner table set on the sand, "Hey, is that-" "I remember that day when you talked to me about wanting to have a romantic dinner on the beach someday," he says, a smile playing on his pink lips. Your heart swelled in happiness, and you took him into your arms, hugging him tightly against your body. "Thank you, it’s beautiful," you smiled against his chest, and you giggled when an idea formed in your head. You pulled away from him and your lips tugged into a smirk, before pushing him into the water behind him, laughing as you ran away. You heard him groan and yell something between the lines of, "Fucking hell, I’m coming," before running after you. You tried to run away from him, but him being the six foot tall boyfriend, his legs were far longer and he caught up with you almost immediately, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist before bringing you with him into the cold, salty ocean water. You were a giggling, wet mess along with him after a few more minutes, and he pulled ou closer to him with a huge goofy grin on his face, "I wanna try an underwater kiss," he says. You shook your head, a laugh escaping your lips as you playfully smacked his shoulder, "I wouldn’t try that now cause we’re in ocean water, but we should definitely try that when we go swimming in a pool," His eyes twinkled at your words, and his grin turned into a smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively. After about an hour of fooling around and playing in the sand after your dinner date, you sat on the sand with his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you watched the sun sink down into the horizon. You glanced up at his profile, smiling as you whispered those three little words to him. "I love you too," he says, looking down at you. "Happy anniversary babe. I’ll love you till the end," he connects his lips with yours as soon as those words left his lips, and you wished for this moment to last forever and ever.


Michael’s hand held your much smaller one, his chubby little thumb rubbing your skin as he continued to lead you up the staircase. He occasionally looks back and smiles at you, as you ask him why you were being led up the staircase of his friend’s apartment building. Instead of answering you, he would just shrug and tell you to wait because it’s a surprise. You absolutely hated surprises, as you preferred knowing what’s gonna happen and you feel really awkward during surprises. You were now faced with a dull, grey door and Michael reaches for the knob, twisting it and pulling you outside. You let out a gasp, your lips curling into a smile as you looked at the beautiful view from the top of the apartment building. The city lights were shining in the streets, and the full moon illuminated the evening sky. It was one of the most beautiful views of the city, and you haven’t seen anything like this before. You turned around to see a grinning Michael, and you tackled him to the ground, planting soft kisses all around his pale face. He giggled, “Get off me, woman!” before gently pushing you to the side with a huge smile. You laughed along with him, fixing your gaze on the majestic evening canvas of stars. It’s been a long time since you last laid down on your back and looked up at the sky, staring at the twinkling stars. You’ve just been too caught up in your own life to stop and enjoy the view, and you took a deep breath as you continued to stargaze with your boyfriend beside you. A shooting star passes by, and you immediately shut your eyes, wishing for the only thing you wanted in the world right now - your forever with Michael. A forever with him was all you’ve ever wanted, as you never wanted to spend your life without someone as wonderful as Michael. He was the best thing that’s ever happened to you since the beginning of time, and you didn’t want anything to take away what you have with him right now. You wanted a forever, and a forever with him was all that you needed. Your eyes fluttered open, and you turned your head to the right to see Michael’s emerald colored eyes boring into yours, his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed. “What did you wish for?” You hummed, shaking your head lightly asking him what he wished for, instead. He wrapped his arms around you as he pulled you into his chest, and you inhaled the smell of his cologne with a smile, “I didn’t wish for anything because I already have everything I’ve ever wanted,” You couldn’t even help but burst into giggles at his statement - Michael was one of the sweetest people you’ve ever known, and he shows you just how much he loves you every single day. You pulled away slightly to look straight into those familiar jade colored eyes, the same eyes that made you fall in love, the same eyes that made you weak in the knees everytime you meet his. Explosions were heard, and you looked up to see fireworks being launched into the night sky. You gasped once more and sat up, your heart exploding along with the fireworks. Michael wraps his arms around your waist, planting a kiss on your cheek as he whispered, “Surprise, happy anniversary babe,”

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