Your brother is a member of ATL & You're Dating a member of 5sos

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Michael - “Y/N, noo!” You groaned, your boots scuffing the dirt in your driveway as Michael refused to step any further. “Michael, he’s your idol! And he isn’t even that scary. And you promised me you wouldn’t bitch out!” Michael was a little intimidated by you the first time he met you, mainly because you were the younger sister of the famous Alex Gaskarth. “I changed my mind, maybe another day?” He went to turn around when you grabbed the back of his pants, pulling him to you as your lips smashed onto his. He let out a slight moan, his hands finding your hips as you pulled back, leaving you both breathless. “Okay, fuck it let’s go.” He stood behind you as you knocked on the door of your own house, which was kind of stupid once you thought about it. He put his hands on your shoulders, massaging them softly as the door opened. “Hey squirt!” You cringed at his nickname for you, especially since Michael was right behind you. “Michael, my man!” They did a handshake as Alex stood there with his hand son his hips. “Let me guess, you guys are dating and Michael is scared out of his balls?” “Oh yeah.” Michael chuckled quietly behind you, his cheeks turning red. “Michael you’re hella cool, but don’t break my sisters heart. She is precious to me and she deserves to be treated like the princess she is.” You blushed as Alex hugged you. “Now you crazy kids go on your date. But please, don’t have sex.” “Alex!” “Be home by 11!”

Luke - You smiled, hearing your brother, Jack Barakat playing guitar from inside his hangout where he was working with 5 Seconds Of Summer. Luke had no idea Jack was your brother, since he was crushing on you so hard, he had no time to even look into your family. “Alright guys, let’s take 5!” You mustarded up enough courage, walking in as Luke smiled at you. “Hi Y/N!” You blushed, waving as Jack spotted you, giving you a pat on the back as he chuckled at the squeak you made. “How ya’ doin’ sis?” Luke choked on his water, Michael having to pat him on the back as Jack chuckled. “Let me guess, you’re totally crushing on my sister and didn’t know we were related?” Luke nodded, wiping his mouth nervously as everyone chuckled. “Little man, it’s okay if you date her. I don’t mind.” You turned your head to look at your brother as if he was insane, almost catching whiplash as you did so. “You’re kidding me right now?” He shook his head, smiling. Usually he was so protective of you, he didn’t want you to even breathe in another boys direction. “He’s a cool kid, and you’re a cool kid. So have at it.” You smiled at Luke, him winking at you as you giggled.

Ashton - You moaned as Ashton laid you down onto the bed, beginning to unbutton your pants. You bit your lip, giggling as he was having a hard time doing so. He finally unbuttoned them, you letting out a sigh of relief as you were left in just your underwear. He started to kiss down your belly, reaching the hem of your panties as he stopped. “Ash, why’d you stop?” You asked, out of breath as he sighed, rubbing his face. “I can’t have sex with you anymore.” You sat up, grabbing your shirt and beginning to put it on as you stared at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?” He nodded, looking at you before sighing. “Ever since last night, you told me Rian Dawson was your brother.” “Jesus Christ.” You huffed, lying back on the bed as Ashton sighed. “Ashton, really? He’s my brother, not my dad. I already told him we’re dating, and he is completely fine with it. And besides, you guys wrote together before and he thinks your drumming skills are ace.” Ashton perked up, smiling as he laid down beside you, stroking your face. “Really?” You nodded, smiling as you straddled him, rubbing down his chest. “Yes, he adores you. Now,” You took off your shirt as he smirked. “Just fuck me and stop thinking about my brother.”

Calum - “Calum, please stop shaking your leg.” You hissed to your boyfriend of 6 months, as he sighed nervously. “Sorry babe, but i’m meeting your family tonight. As well as your brother, bassist of All Time Low.” You smiled, rubbing Calum’s arm. “You wrote with him before, why are you so jumpy?” He sighed, shaking his shoulders as he laid his fists on the table. “It’s not Zachary Merrick the super cool bassist i’m talking to now. I’m talking to Zachary Merrick, also known as the overprotective brother.” You smiled, yeah your brother could get very overprotective of you sometimes, but doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be willing to give you up to a boy. “Calum, he thinks the world of you and your band. So why would his mind change now?” Calum smiled, looking up at you as he kissed you sweetly. “I love you.” “Snog fest!” Zach said, smirking as Calum stood. “Cal, nice to see you again man!” You smiled, watching them bro hug as Calum sat back down, as your dad sat next to you. “See he’s not so bad.” “I’m shitting right now.” You giggled, holding Calum’s hand as he smiled sweetly at you.

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