He proposes on Christmas

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Credit: http://acidcxlum.tumblr.com/post/69332383655/52-he-proposes-on-christmas

Michael - You rolled over in bed, greeting Michael’s cold side of the bed. Your eyes peeled open just in time to see him coming in with a tray of breakfast. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He said, smiling as he pecked your forehead as he sat the tray on your lap. “I was going to cook for you.” You pouted as he shrugged, smiling. “You always do stuff for me so let me make today your day.” You started to eat your breakfast as Michael brought up the presents. As you ate, you smiled as he enjoyed his sweaters, new guitar and shoes you had gotten for him. “Now, yours.” He handed you a huge box as you sighed. “I told you I didn’t want anything.” You complained, moving your empty tray. “I insist.” He smiled wide as you opened it, finding another box. Creasing your brows, you opened that box to find yet another smaller box. “Michael.” “Go on.” You opened that one, finding a small black box. You opened it and gasped, a ring sitting inside. “So, will you marry me?” You nodded, tears in your eyes as you hugged him. What a perfect present.

Luke - You and Luke skipped downstairs in your pajamas, smiling at the tree still lit up from last night and the presents neatly around it. “Let me go make some hot chocolate.” As you went into the kitchen, you heard him moving stuff in the living room. As you plopped marshmallows into his and a candy cane in yours, you joined him back in your chilly, yet beautiful living room. “You first.” He said, sipping his hot beverage as you grabbed the first present. You smiled as you saw clothes, a book he made himself and lots of more goodies as his face grew nervous. “You forgot one, baby.” He pointed to the tree and you turned, seeing a small box. “Hmm.” You stood on your tippy toes, grabbing the box and opening it. You gasped, seeing a huge diamond in the small red box. You turned, seeing Luke on one knee in front of you. “Make me the happiest man alive and say yes.” You nodded, putting it on as you took his face in your hands, kissing him like your life depended on it.

Ashton - You were up early, glad you get to spend your Christmas with your four favorite boys. As you set mugs around the table, you heard footsteps. “I smell pancakes!” Luke said, smiling as they sat around the table, Ashton giving you a kiss. “Merry Christmas baby.” He smiled, kissing you again. “Merry Christmas.” You all enjoyed breakfast, as the boys were first to the living room. “Remember, you all have to clean up this wrapping paper!” You said, as it flew everywhere. The boys screaming and playing with their new things you had put under the tree for them last night while they were sleeping and this morning before they woke up. Ashton stood, walking to you as the boys all smiled, standing behind him. “Now your present,” You gasped as he got on one knee, holding out a ring. All he did was smile and you nodded yes, the boys cheering. “Now,” Calum said, holding out a mistletoe as you giggled. Ashton grabbed you, kissing you deeply as they cheered again.

Calum - You laid in Calum’s arms, his hands intertwined with yours as you two laid in front of the fireplace. Calum was flying away from you again tomorrow, and you wished so deeply he wasn’t leaving. And what made it worse, today was Christmas. “Please stay with me.” You whispered, looking up at him as he sighed, his lips pressed softly to your temple. “I have to, you know that Y/N.” You nodded and sighed, seeing the time was now 10:00. “Let’s at least open presents.” You said, somewhat upset as you quickly got out of his tight grip. You opened presents at one time, thanking each other as you opened each present. You were still upset as you finished, knowing he had to pack right after. “I don’t want you to go.” He hugged you and then sighed, “What if I asked you to go?” You gasped and pulled back, seeing a box in his hands. “And go as my soon to be wife?” You squealed and nodded, slipping the ring on as you skipped upstairs, him helping you pack happily.

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