New Years Kiss 3/4

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Hood: You stood silently with Calum, in the jam-packed park, waiting for the sky to light up with fireworks. Your boyfriend stood behind you, his hands entwined with yours, as he chatted away to a friend. You constantly checked the time on your phone, smiling when it finally reached 11:59. Tugging on Calum’s hand slightly, he broke away from the conversation he was having and took your hint that it was nearly time.
"10, 9, 8, 7…" The chants began. Calum leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours,
"6, 5, 4…" 
His eyes caught yours, and smiled, before closing them, and leaning in,
"3, 2, 1" He whispered, before pushing his lips against yours, and starting off the new year in the best way possible.

Irwin: ”What do you want to accomplish in the new year?” You asked Ashton the same question he had asked you, just minutes ago. 
"I’d like to do like a big tour… maybe travel Europe and Asia. I want to inspire more people, hopefully win more awards. Oh, and we really should get ‘round to releasing that album" He laughed, making you chuckle. You glanced at his watch, smiling when you saw the digits,
"Two minutes." You grinned. Ashton nodded, taking your hand, and leading you over to a more secluded part of the garden, so he could kiss you passionately without feeling uncomfortable. Just as you reached your own little space, the countdown started,
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4…"
Ashton pulled you towards him, and just as the last three numbers were called, he pressed his lips to yours, smiling at the thought of a new year, and a fresh new start.

Clifford: Storming out your apartment, you stalked down your soundless street- the only noise that could be heard were your deep breaths, as you walked further and further away.
Five minutes before midnight, and you and Michael had ended up in a fight. Typical. You didn’t even remember what started it, as usual, but you knew the both of you had gone too far this time.
You stopped, when you heard your name being called, but refused to turn around.
"Don’t walk away from me" Michael whispered, desperately "Don’t end the year like this. We’ll work things out, the fights will stop. Nothing will be fixed if you walk away." There was a short pause and then "We’ve literally got one minute to sort ourselves out."
You remained silent, but turned to face the black-and-white-haired boy, and you saw the visible smile on his face. He walked over and kissed you quickly, 
"You’re supposed to kiss me at midnight" You pouted. Michael smiled when he heard the countdowns from ten going on in other houses,
"I wanted to have an end of year kiss too" He laughed against your lips, before pulling you in for a deep passionate kiss, exactly as the clocks struck twelve.
"Happy New Year, baby" Mike whispered "Here’s to no more arguments."

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