You're high school sweethearts

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Michael - “Hey Cal, hands off my girl.” You giggled as Michael stepped over, wrapping one of his arms around you as he held a beer in his other. It was homecoming night, all the football players and cheerleaders were getting together and having a little bonfire at an old hang out of Michael’s. “Drink for the win tonight, boys!” Michael cheered, the boys around us cheering as they held up their beer bottles or cans, before tipping it back. “I’m so proud of you.” You said, turning around as you took his face in your hands, giggling. You and Michael have been dating since your sophomore year and now you two were four months away from graduating. “I just can’t believe we’ve been together for almost 2 years.” You nodded and smiled as he pecked your forehead. “I think you’re the one.” “You think?” He shrugged, before putting his forehead on yours. “Okay, I know you’re the one.” You smiled, nodding before kissing him again.

Luke - “I’m going to get in trouble!” You squealed, holding your lunch box closer to you as the popular junior of the school, Luke Hemmings drug you from the school property. “Come on babe, I have something to show you!” He said, adjusting his beanie as he smiled sweetly at you. With you being a freshman and Luke being a junior, it definitely had it’s perks. Dangerous perks at that. You two have been caught sneaking off campus, skipping class and leaving for lunch many of times but Luke always seemed to have an excuse for every incident. “Please Y/N?” You sighed, giving in as you followed him. He led you through a grassy area, before you saw his truck sitting there, the tail down as a small picnic waited for you two. “You spoil me too much.” You said, pushing up your glasses as he smiled. “I just love my little freshman.” You giggled, as he helped you up, offering you a sandwich and a juice box. “What’s your excuse this time?” “Dunno, but i’m sure i’ll think of one.” You giggled, kissing his cheek as you two continued to eat.

Ashton - “Oh my god! Ashton come here!” You were flipping through your sophomore year yearbook and stumbled upon the “Cutest Couple Contest” page. “Woah, hair game strong!” He said, taking the book and staring at himself. “I had braces yuck.” You said, giggling as he put his arm around you. You two decided on the dorkiest pose, holding tight to each other as your faces were pressed together. “We were such lovebirds.” He said, kissing your cheek as you took the book back from him. “Hey! We still are.” He nodded, admiring your class rings as he sighed. “We’ve graduated, moved in together, what’s next?” You smirked and he noticed. “Why are you smirking?” You shrugged as he gave you the look. “We always talked about getting married one day.” You said, recalling all the times he said he would marry you back in 9th grade. “I did say that didn’t I?” He said, smirking as you blushed.

Calum - You closed your locker, seeing Calum on the other side of it. “My lady.” He held out his arm, you grabbing it as you smiled at him. “So, since our 3 year anniversary is coming up, I want to take you somewhere special.” You stopped on the staircase, smirking at him. “Like?” He shrugged, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. “I just can’t believe it’s going to be 3 years.” He whispered, a few of his friends walking by as they wolf whistled, Calum flicking them off before winking. “I know, seems like just yesterday we were at freshman year open house.” He nodded, giggling as he kissed your cheek. “You know Y/N,” He paused, smiling at you as you nodded. “I think I just might have to marry you.” You gasped, grabbing a hold of the end of his shirt as he furrowed his brows. “Really Calum? Remember “Mr. I Won’t Ever Get Married” in 10th grade? Highly doubt it.” He chuckled, licking his lips as he held your waist tighter. “I’m serious. I could see us getting married and having little babies.” The bell rung as you smirked, kissing him. “I could too.”

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