Movie Nights

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You were curled up on the couch, your legs tangled with your boyfriend’s as you watched the new X-Men movie with him and his bandmates. You were playing with the hairs on the back of his head, tugging on it every once in a while. You were situated on the left side of the couch with Ashton, while Michael was on the right side. Calum and Luke were seated on the floor, cuddled up to each other as they shared a blanket. It was a rather cold autumn night, it was a wonderful one compared to the autumn last year. You absolutely loved the cold, but sometimes, it just gets too cold. You were suddenly in the mood to get some hot chocolate, but you were too lazy to get up. You nudged your boyfriend, who looked down at you with sleepy eyes. “Yeah?” He rubbed his eyes, trying to get himself to wake up. You knew exactly what to do to wake him up, it might have been embarrassing for him but it had to be done, you were a cruel girlfriend sometimes but he manages with it. “Daddy,” You whined softly, hoping the others didn’t hear you. Ashton’s hazel eyes widened when he heard his kink escape from your lips, his own parting slightly. “Get me some hot chocolate,” You murmured into his ear, and he immediately stood up and rushed to the kitchen. You giggled, watching him stumble a bit before he reached the kitchen. You felt someone tap your shoulder and you peered over at the green eyed boy beside you, who was smirking. “Daddy, huh?” Michael shouted at the top of his lungs, making Luke and Calum snicker from beneath us. We heard some crashing in the kitchen, and you chuckled, shaking your head. You were gonna have to apologize to him later on about this, and you smirked, knowing exactly what to do.


You laughed out loud to the conversation regarding Cady and Regina, wiping invisible tears away from your eyes. You were watching Mean Girls with your boyfriend, for about the hundredth time now, and it never gets old. Mean Girls has to be one of the movies you could watch over and over but never get tired of, it was such an amazing movie and you couldn’t believe it was already ten years old. Michael was probably bored out of his mind but you told him that if he didn’t want to watch Mean Girls with you, you would invite Luke to watch with you instead of him. That made him want to sit through almost two hours of bitches being bitches in high school for a hundred times. You reached into the bowl of popcorn that you prepared for the movie, only to be disappointed when it was already empty. You glanced towards the boy next to you, rolling your eyes as you stood up. Michael reached for the remote and paused the movie, asking where you were gonna go. “I’m gonna go make some more popcorn,” You told him, pushing past to get to the kitchen. You set the empty bowl on the counter, opening the cupboard above the sink to get another pack of microwave popcorn. You chose the butter flavored one and shoved it into the microwave, setting it to two minutes. You watched as the microwave came to life, spinning the popcorn around to cook and raked your fingers through your hair. You felt someone wrap their arms around you from behind, and you shivered when you could feel Michael’s lips ghost over your shoulder. He presses a soft kiss onto your shoulder, his lips lingering there for a few moments, before kissing up until he reaches your neck. You swallowed when you felt him press his soft lips on your neck slowly, his sweet kisses driving you insane in such a short amount of time. You couldn’t resist turning around and attaching your lips on his, your fingers running through his hair. He pulled away for a bit, muttering a quick, “Jump,” to which you obliged to before his lips found yours again. Michael held you by the back of the knees, placing you on the kitchen counter without breaking the kiss, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, locking your ankles. You felt something hard poking against your thigh which made you pull away, smirking as you glanced down to look at little Michael. Your eyes met his jade green ones, and he just shrugged his shoulders before kissing your lips once more. The beeping of the microwave caused you to pull away once more, with Michael’s soft voice whispering in your ear, “Let’s ditch the movie.” 


You were cuddled up to your boyfriend, with your arm slung around your boyfriend’s waist. It was another lazy night and you two decided to watch the second installment of the Captain America movie. You didn’t really watch the first one so you couldn’t understand some parts of the movie, but it was great seeing Chris Evans’ butt on the huge flatscreen TV. You just wanted to reach out to touch it, it was so close but so far away. You heaved out a sigh as another fighting scene came up, but you were still bored out of your mind because you can’t keep up with the movie. You glanced down at Calum’s skinny legs which were folded as he sat down in criss cross position. His legs were covered with the blanket that you retrieved before the movie began, and you tugged the blankets from his legs, as you were feeling slightly chilly. Calum’s arm wrapped around your shoulder when he noticed that you were getting cold, then planted a kiss on your temple. You smiled unconsciously at the feeling of his lips on your skin, before letting out a small whine when he pulled away from you. You dropped your arm and it landed on his leg, your hand dangerously close to his crotch. You suddenly thought of a brillant idea, smirking to yourself as you inched your hand closer to his crotch slowly, as to not distract him from the movie. Once your hand was on it, he let out a strangled groan then cleared his throat, looking down at you questioningly but you quickly turned your attention to the movie, trying to fight the smile forming on your lips. You began to palm him through his skin tight jeans, making him look down at you once more. “What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes pleading for you not to do this. But you weren’t going to give in to those beautiful chocolate colored eyes this time. You pressed down on his growing erection harder, and he quickly grabbed a hold of your wrist, “Please don’t do this right now.” You shook your head, unzipping his zipper before tugging it down slightly to reveal the bulge caused by his erection, making you giggle. He hiss when your hand came in contact with his erection, leaning in to growl in your ear, “I’m not letting you get away with this, I swear you couldn’t walk tomorrow by the time I’m done with you.”


Today was your movie night with your boyfriend, and he’s been looking forward for this for weeks now. You two haven’t had a proper movie night in a while, because you’ve been really busy trying to keep up with your studies and he understood that, so he decided to cancel your movie nights for three weeks. This was the first movie night you’ve had with him for a long time now, but you were feeling a bit under the weather today. School wore you out and you were starting to drift away in the middle of the movie you were watching, which was the sequel to the first Rio film. You rested your head on your boyfriend’s broad shoulder, your eyes fluttering as you continued to watch the movie. You could feel yourself falling deeper into the hands of darkness, but you desperately tried to fight off sleep for Luke. Your eyes shot open at the exciting game that was occuring between the blue birds and the red ones, but your eyes were still getting heavier with each passing moment. You felt yourself completely give into your body’s desire to rest, the darkness engulfing you as you finally fell asleep. After a little while, you could feel yourself being lifted from the couch, your eyes still quite heavy due to lack of sleep. You could smell the familiar scent of musk that he always wore, making you smile as your eyes fluttered open. You looked up to see your boyfriend smiling down at you, “Shh, just go to sleep. You need rest,” he says. He finally made it up to your room, gently laying you down onto your bed. He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head, stroking your hair before pulling away. “Luke,” Your raspy voice called out to him, “Please stay with me.” You could feel your eyes droop again, but you heard him sigh and mutter a little “Fine,” under his breath. He crawled over to the spot next to you, wrapping an arm around you which made you smile. You snuggled into his embrace, falling asleep to the sound of Luke’s voice singing softly in your ear.

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