Christmas Shopping

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Calum: ”Luke next” Calum states, entering M&S with you behind him.
"What kind of stuff does Luke like?" You asked "What should we get him?"
Calum shrugs, picking out a video game, then placing it back after seeing the horrendously complicated instructions on how to play it.
"I don’t know, he likes cereal"
"Cal, we are not getting Luke a box of cereal" 
Calum chuckled, taking your hand, as you lead him over to the clothes aisle.
"I was joking babe. Let’s get him socks or underwear- he’s always taking mine" He pouted. You giggled, taking Calum’s hand once more, and leading him out of the shop- completely giving up on Marks And Spencer’s.
"Forget Luke for now, let’s go eat" You suggested. Calum’s eyes lit up as the two of you wove your way through the joyous people in the shopping center.
"That, is literally the best idea you’ve had all day"

Ashton: "Can we shop for my family now?" Ashton asked. He had remained relatively quiet, whilst you shopped for your large family, which was peculiar- but you hadn’t questioned it.
"Yeah, yeah sure" You smiled, following him into Toys R Us. Ashton picked through plastic guns and sport sets, for Harry, whilst your fingers danced over glittery notebooks and sparkly hair accessories- the kind of things you loved when you were Lauren’s age.
"How about a new football and plastic gun set?" Ashton asked, holding up the two items. You looked over and nodded, then showed him a pink teddy you had found.
"She’s eleven, not three" Ashton grinned, making you pout.
"I know, but it’s so cuddly and cute" You protested. Rolling his eyes, Ashton took hold of a hair decorating set, the two toys for his brother, and your teddy.
"Wait, you’re buying the teddy for her?" You called after him.
"Nope, it’s for you!" He replied.

Luke: ”I wish that there was someone who would do our Christmas shopping for us” Luke grumbled, following you into Superdrug. 
"We should hire someone" You agreed, eyes scanning over various lipsticks and testing them on your wrist.
"What kind of makeup does your mum wear, Luke?"
"There’s ‘types’?” Luke replied.
"Very funny" You sighed, turning to your other wrist, once the first was filled with strips. 
"Look [Y/N], stop colouring your wrists, and just get anything"
"We can’t ‘just get anything’ Luke, it’s Christmas, it has to be special" 
Luke groaned, picking a random tube off the shelf,
"Here, just take this, she likes this one. It doesn’t matter anyway, she said she doesn’t even want a gift" He insisted.
"Luke, that’s not even lipstick, and besides, she always says that, she even said it on her birthday, but remember how happy she got when we gave her that canvas?”
Luke’s eyes lit up from the memory, then lit up even brighter, indicating he had an idea.
"Forget the makeup, let’s buy mum another canvas- matching to the one we bought her before"
You nodded eagerly, following him out the shop, as he rambled on about his mother’s Christmas gift, making you smile at the fondness in his voice.

Michael: ”Tinsel, tinsel, tinsel…” Michael muttered repeatedly, as you pushed the shopping trolley through the aisles of Walmart. 
Tinsel!” He exclaimed, once he saw it, resting on a shelf. Hurriedly, the two of you began to fill the trolley up with decorations for the tree.
"I- I think that’s enough." You laughed, turning to Michael. He grinned and shrugged, dusting his hands from the glitter than remained on them.
"What now?" You asked.
"Is it too early for chocolate tree decorations?" Michael asked, eagerly.
"It’s never too early for chocolate" You grinned, looking up to the top shelf where the edible tree decorations were placed. Standing on your tip-toes, you desperately tried to reach the top shelf, yet failed, due to your small height.
"Mikeyyyy" You whined, turning to face your boyfriend, as he stood there watching you, with an amused expression. Reaching over your small body, Michael grabbed a few decorations with ease, before handing them to you. Smiling you stretched up to peck his cheek, before mumbling,
"I’m so happy I get to spend Christmas with you this year”

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