He makes you feel insecure

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Credit: http://another5sosurl.tumblr.com/post/63070481241/preference-1-he-makes-you-feel-insecure

Ashton - You squeal as you run from your boyfriend, him hot on your heels. You were both lying around outside when Ashton fell asleep so you decided to wet him with a water gun and he started to chase you. You’ve been running around the back yard for a good twenty minutes and you’re starting to slow down so you decide to run into the house to find a place to hide. You bolt for the door, thinking it was open, only to come into contact with a glass door and then the floor. “Ow,” you mumble, getting up and brushing off your pants and adjusting you glasses. You hear Ashton laughing behind you and you feel a blush rising to your cheeks. “Still blind with your glasses, what am I going to do with you?” He asks you chuckling. You laugh with him, but it really hurt. You knew he meant well but you’ve always been self-conscious about your glasses. You’ve tried contacts but they’re such a pain and your optometrist recommended you stick to your glasses. You both go inside and you walk straight up to your room and lie down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. After what seems like hours, you hear footsteps coming closer to your room. You role onto your side, hoping that he’ll think your asleep. You hear the door open a bit and a hushed voice say, “Babe?” You don’t say anything to him. “Babe, come on I know you’re not sleeping.” He says louder this time. You feel the bed dip behind you and someone’s arms around your waist and face in the crook of your neck. “If it’s about what I said about your glasses, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I’ll wear my glasses too.” He says into the crook of your neck. “You don’t even need them though.” You mumble. “But if it’d make you feel better I’d wear them, I don’t like knowing you’re sad and I’m the reason.” He mumbles against your skin, leaving light kisses on your shoulder. You suddenly feel the bed rise and hear the sound of Ashton’s footsteps. A couple minutes later he comes back and shakes your shoulder, trying to get you to turn over. “(Y/N) look! We’re twins!” he giggles. You roll over and see Ashton standing there with his glasses on and you can’t help but smile. “There’s the smile I was looking for!” He cheers while you laugh at him. “If wearing my glasses makes you this happy, I guess I’ll wear them more often.”

Michael - You and your best friend, Michael had gone shopping together for the day. As is Michael’s nature, he was currently in some game shop you didn’t much care for, so he had agreed to meet you in your favourite music shop, which is where you currently were, rifling through the small cases, looking for one thing in particular, but keeping watch for anything else that caught your eye just the same. Michael walked up behind you just as you’d found the cd you were looking for. It was an older Chris Brown album, but it was the only one you were yet to own. He chuckled behind you, causing you to jump and drop the case simultaneously. Watching you scurry to pick it up only made Michael laugh harder. Getting back to your feet, you looked questioningly at your best friend, who then proceeded, through laughter he was still struggling to contain, with, ”you’ll just sit there with the same cd of terrible songs on repeat forever!” You rolled your eyes and proceeded to pay for the cd. On the way home, you sat in the passenger side seat of Michael’s car, admiring your cd as he drove. “You know,” you said quietly, “Calum would listen to this cd of terrible songs with me, and he’d enjoy them, without taking the piss out of one of the only things that keeps me happy.” At this point Michael pulled up in front of Calum’s house, where he’d convinced you to join the boys during band practice before you went home. You walked in and greeted the boys, before stating that you were tired, and Calum offered you his room, where you headed. You weren’t tired, really, you just wanted an excise to avoid Michael, so you took what you got. You’d been up in his room for about five minutes when there was a knock at the door. Once you’d declared it was okay for whoever it was to join you, Calum appeared in his doorway, and asked you what had happened. You explained it to him, and he just nodded before leaving and returning shortly thereafter with Michael, who apologised to you and then, after band practice, spent the rest of the afternoon with you and the rest of the boys, dancing around stupidly to the cd.

Calum - You were never very good at sports, that’s all there was to it. Your boyfriend, Calum, on the other hand, had a particularly specialised skill for soccer. That being said, the contrast in your sporting abilities never bothered you much, save for the rare occasions his band mates took their teasing too far and got him involved in it. The four boys were in the middle of a game of soccer in Calum’s backyard, and you, as usual, were perfectly content in watching, sometimes hiding away behind your polaroid and sneaking a few action shots, which, much to the boys’ delight you would later post on Twitter for the fans to enjoy. Aside from Calum, you’d always been closest to Luke, who had in fact introduced you to the rest of the band. “Come on, Y/N,” Luke called over to you, “come play for a bit, I’ll sit out instead.” Before you could argue, Michael and Calum laughed. You blew it off as them remembering the last time you’d been convinced to play, which hadn’t gone too well, and laughed with them. “Luke, come back,” Calum said finally. “I don’t need to watch my girlfriend trip over her feet and land on her ass again.” You got up to get a drink, having been thirsty for quite some time, and now you had a reason to excuse yourself. You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and stood in your kitchen as you drank; jumping slightly when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, before you relaxed again upon realising that Calum was now behind you. “I’m sorry, princess,” he mumbled, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You laughed at him and pointed out there was nothing he had to be sorry for. He laughed as well, apologised again and kissed you softy.

Luke -You were tall and confident about it, though beside your boyfriend Luke, you became short. He wasn’t much taller that you and it didn’t bother you; really, you just avoided wearing heels around him for good measure. You’d been invited to a party for a mutual friend’s 18th, and you had obviously dressed accordingly. Nice dress, dressy flats, hair and make-up done, but not overdone, just the way Luke liked. He arrived right on cue to pick you up for the night, and as usual, complimented you, which caused you to blush, regardless of the fact that you had been dating for almost a year, and so should be used to such things. Seeing you blush made Luke chuckle, knowing he still had the same effect on you. “You know, babe,” he began just as you were getting ready to leave. “You have such great legs; I don’t know why you don’t wear heels around me.” “I don’t like heels,” you told him casually. “You wear them out with your friends,” he pointed out. You bit your lip at this, knowing he was right. “I wouldn’t treat you any different if you wore them around me,” he told you gently. “I know, Luke,” you replied. “It’s not that,” you added. He waited patiently for an explanation, which you decided he deserved, no matter how much it embarrassed you. “I don’t wear heels around you, because if I did, I’d be taller than you,” you confessed, not looking at him. Luke chuckled at this and gently forced you to face him. “Taller than me or not, you’ll always be my baby,” he said, “and I love you, heels or no heels.” He kissed you softly, then, and when he pulled away, you replied with “I love you too,” before the two of you headed out for the night.

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