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Michael - Not only was Michael a little scared of the storm, so was your daughter. Her night gown clad body running as fast as she could to your bedroom, to find you two already up, him holding your waist as you sat up. “Mommy, i’m scared too.” You sighed, lifting her onto your lap, as she sunk down next to you, under the covers. “What did I do to deserve this?” You whispered, before long you heard snoring. You smiled, slipping out of their grips and going to sleep downstairs.

Luke - “Luke, your shaking.” You commented, as he was spooning you in bed, lightening lighting up your dark bedroom. “I’m just scared.” You got out of his grip, taking him into your arms as he held you like his life depended on it. “I’m here for you, the storm can’t get in here.” You felt like you were talking to a five year old. He nodded and snuggled into your chest, slowly going back to sleep.

Ashton - “Here babe.” Ashton handed you a small mug of tea as you two sat on the bed, candles surrounding you as the lights turned off earlier in the night. You were terrified when storms came around, so Ash knew he had to stay up with you, even if he was exhausted. Another clap of thunder rang through, making you jump. “It’s ok, baby.” He lifted his arm, so you could be close to him, him comforting you as you were close in his embrace. “I hate mother nature sometimes.” He chuckled, kissing the crown of your head. “That’s why they call her a bitch.”

Calum - You woke up to rain falling steadily, Calum got in from the studio late so you knew he wouldn’t be able to drive over in this rain. The clock read 2:18 and you sighed, reaching over grabbing your phone and dialing him. It rang four times before he finally answered, “Your scared of the storm aren’t you?” “Yes.” He sighed and you heard shuffling, “Lie down baby.” You obeyed, lying down and snuggling into the covers. He began singing to you, soon your eyes began fluttering as thunder rumbled in the distance.

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