he does your makeup

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Credit: http://imagining5sos.tumblr.com/post/53549934094/he-does-your-make-up-all-the-boys

Ashton: He held up pink eyeshadow “It’s pink so…it goes on your cheeks?” he questioned. You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know. Does it?” you giggled as he looked so confused. He dipped his finger into the bright eyeshadow and drug it across your cheek. “Ashton! Use the brushes I have for you!” you told him. “No that’s okay babe, I definitely put way too much on” he said. You looked into the mirror, you had a huge streak of pink across your cheek. 

Calum: Calum twisted off the cap of your liquid eyeliner. “Oh it’s like a marker!” He said excitedly. “Wait, you put this on your eyes??” he asked, horrified. He got really close to your face. Instead of just doing your upper eyelid, he outlined your entire eye! Although you had to admit, it was quite adorable how he had his tongue sticking out slightly as he was really focused. 

Luke: ”Oh my god! I know what this is!” He said as he held up what looked like a tube of lipstick. His confidence faded as he took the cap off. “What? Why is it skin toned?” he asked. “Maybe it goes on my skin” you suggested. He took what you knew as a concealer stick, and rubbed it straight across your forehead. “It’s not even your skin tone” he said confused. “You have to rub it in!” you told him. He took his fingers and rubbed at your forehead, making you scrunch your nose. “That was so pointless, it did nothing” he complained as he reached for some bronzer. 

Michael:  “It’s like a brush” Michael said as he examined your mascara. He touched it to his finger, “Oh, there’s black stuff on it” he said, wiping his finger on a tissue. “This goes on  your eyelashes, I’ve seen you use this before” he said, “Okay, make the face”. You looked at him confused. “You know, that face you make when you use this. Like this” he said as he opened his mouth wide as well as his eyes. You laughed and made the face for him. He started to brush the mascara on your eyelashes, “How don’t you poke yourself in the eye with this??” He asked laughing as he rubbed some of the mascara he got on your eyelid off with his finger.

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