Late Nights

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Ashton: You had gone to bed hours ago feeling the onslaught of fatigue beginning to take over your body, the clock showing midnight when you both climbed the stairs to your bedroom. Both of you stripping down and changing into an oversized shirt for yourself and him simply leaving his boxers on. You had climbed into bed initially thinking you would fall asleep like you usually would but it would be another late night. The red numbers showed two in the morning, and you both were still talking. “You know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” He said meekly. You both faced each other, his hand draped over your waist and your palms flat against his chest. Your noses almost touched, but it was enough for you to see his face fully. “The band is though Ash,” You replied simply. “You’re living your dream, you’re conquering the world through music! It’s incredible, personally I think that’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.” He shook his head smiling at you in the darkness. “Silly girl, that is extremely important to me. I am so blessed to have the band, the boys and the fans, but you know, you’re just so… so incredible. You’re my rock. You’re my home, you’re my safety. Whenever I miss home I just think of you, when I need someone to talk to your there, when I need someone to calm me down after I’ve fucked up you’re there. When I just need someone you’re always there. You’re my weight, when I get overwhelmed with how fast we’re moving with our success and just growing with fame…you’re there for me to bring me back down, to keep me sane really. You’re my better half (Y/N), hell, I would have locked myself in my room long ago and never come out if it weren’t for you. That’s the reason why you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Because you’re simply the best, you’re there for me. You love me, and I love you unconditionally.” He said kissing your nose. You smiled into the darkness, kissing his cheek gently. “And you’re my rock too. You’ve protected me from so much, always helped me stand up taller. You’ve brought me out of my shell, shown me how beautiful the world is, and the people in it. Hell, you’ve opened my eyes to so much. I’m just really, wholeheartedly in love with you.” You said, snuggling into his chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing and heartbeat, and the deep sound of his voice as you continued to talk until the wee hours of the morning, when the morning sun cast its warm and golden glow into your room. It was then, watching the sunrise that you fell asleep in his arms, spending the entire night talking about anything and everything.

Calum: “I’m bored…” Calum moaned against your shoulder. You laughed, looking at the clock. “We could always go to bed?” You said seeing the clock show twelve thirty. “No, that’s lame.” He said chuckling. “Then I don’t know what you want to do babe,” You said picking up your book again and resuming reading. He shifted away from you, suddenly sitting up. You glanced over the pages at him, he was smiling brilliantly and you raised an eyebrow at what he had in mind. “Let’s go for a swim!” He said standing up. You sighed and put your book down. “Really? Now?” You said a little uneasy. “Yeah! A midnight swim, we can put the lights on really low and it will be all romantic and cute and shit.” He said, causing you to laugh at his definition. You stood up, grabbing his hand and leading him to your bedroom to change. After slipping on your bathing suit you met Calum out on the deck, lightly touching his shoulder. He turned his head, the moonlight catching his features as he smiled. “Let’s go babe,” He said dragging you to the pool that was a few flight of stairs away. You grinned at him, as he put the towel on the deck. You smirked before dropping the towel and diving in, feeling the water hit you. You glided under the bottom and surfaced, grinning at him. “What are you waiting for? You scared of the water?” You said teasingly. He gave you a devilish grin, before he himself jumped in. He surfaced a little bit away from you and he smirked before swimming towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you against his chest as the water lapped against you two. “You look hot in that bathing suit you know that…” He said into your ear. You smiled against him, just as you thought he was going to lean in for a kiss he dove beside you, swimming away. “You’re not getting a kiss that easy!” He said his voice dark. You laughed and swam after him, trying to catch him. After a while of laughing and swimming he finally pulled you against his chest, giving you the kiss you craved. You squealed as he tossed you effortlessly into the water, sputtering as you came back up. “What was that for?” You said laughing. As he was about to answer, you heard Michael stick his head out the window. “Would you two shut up? Jesus, some of us are trying to sleep!” He shouted causing both of you to burst out laughing. “What time is it anyways?” You said still laughing. Calum swam over to the edge grabbing his phone, “It’s like one thirty, we’ve been in here for an hour!” He said chuckling. You swam over to him and grinned. “I’m not tired yet…” “Neither am I…” He said. You laughed quietly and swam away, ready for another late night in the pool, under the stars and with Calum.

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