He's sick

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Credit: http://perfectirwin.tumblr.com/post/61120148199/5sos-preferences-16-hes-sick

Ashton: You woke up in the middle of the night to hear gagging sounds coming from your bathroom, instantly you got out of bed to find your boyfriend Ashton hunched over the toilet. “Ash, are you okay?” You ask as you started to rub his back. “I think I’m si-” He responded, but cut himself off by throwing up. Once he had finished he brushed his teeth then headed back to bed. “Here!” You said laying the damp facecloth on his forehead to get rid of the temperature he had. “There’s a basin beside the bed in case your sick again, and water on the bedside table, I’ll get you medicine or tablets if you really want them,” You told him as you climbed in to your side of the bed. “Thank you [y/n], I love you…” Ashton muttered. “I love you too Ash,” You replied kissing the top of his head. “wake me if you need anything!”

Calum: “[y/n]!” Calum shouted from the bedroom of your shared flat. “What?” You asked as you stood at the door. “I think I’m sick,” He muttered. “Cal, you look perfectly fine to me…” You told him. “No, I think I’m starting to get a cold, and a headache. Please cuddle me…” He begged. “But if you’re sick, I dont wanna get sick!” You told him as you made your way over to him. “I promise I’ll look after you if you get sick!” Calum pouted. “Okay, deal!” You laughed as you walked closer to him. Calum whipped back the covers and pulled you on top of him. “You arent actually sick, right?” You questioned. “Nope, I just wanted you to come cuddle me in bed!” He laughed, kissing your nose

Luke: “Shut up Luke!” You moaned waking up to a sniffling husband in bed beside you. “I have a cold babe, I’m sorry for wakening you. I’ll go sleep on the sofa!” Luke said as he started to stand up. “Luke Hemmings get back into bed now!” You demanded. Luke did as he was told. “Stay here!” You got out of bed and went into the en-suite. You turned the shower on the hottest it would go, then went out to get Luke. You wrapped both of you in a blanket and sat on the bathroom floor. “I can breath again!” Luke said in amusement, “Thank you Mrs Hemmings, what would I do without you?” “Absolutely nothing. Now lets go to sleep mister!”

Michael: “Michael!” You shouted as you entered your boyfriends apartment. You heard a ‘shhh’ coming from Michael’s gaming room. You walked in to find Michael lying on the floor with his eyes closed, you sat down beside him and started stroking his hair. “Michael? What’s wrong rockstar?” You whispered. “I have a migraine. Please help me,” He pleaded looking up at you. He looked so weak and fragile, which made you melt. “Let’s go!” You helped him of the floor and guided him to the kitchen were he took the tablets you gave him, then you both made your way to his room. You both got into his bed before he snuggled down into your body. “I love you [y/n], thank you for looking after me,” He mumbled. “I love you too Mikey, get some rest now babe!” You responded quietly giving him a kiss, before he fell asleep

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