Late Nights

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Ashton: The two of you lie in bed, lazily discussing the day that had just past. Laughing one minute, giving advice the next, these late night conversations were quite diverse. Once you two realize the ungodly hour it has become, you shrug it off, needing these late night rant sessions every once in a while.

Calum: You sit on the counter with ice cream on your lap, a spoon in your mouth as Calum works on making toast. It’s these late night snacks that give you the most time together, especially because of all the shows and upcoming tours. It’s nice to have him all to yourself for once, nobody interrupting the silence.

Luke: Both of you trying to hush the baby, you’ve tried everything. Feeding, diaper change, burping and more, but nothing was working. Both of you had seemed to become accustomed to this new lifestyle with maybe two hours of sleep and no ‘me’ time. But knowing it would all turn out in the end, you would put up with it as long as you needed to.

Michael: Stumbling in at 3:00am, the two of you too drunk to realize how late it really was. Your drunken giggles filled the living as he crashed on the couch, you tripping over your own feet and falling on top of him. Lazy kisses and slurred speech echo through your minds until the next morning, when the reality of last night hits like a wall of bricks.

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