Chapter 8- Call Him

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                                                                 *Danielle's P.O.V.*

For the past few days, Adrimel has been really quiet. This NEVER happens. She's always talking up a storm about Braiden or concerts, but recently, Nada. It was weird. I decided to talk to her about it.

"Hey Adrimel, can I talk to you for a sec?" I said, as I walked into her room and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Sure...I guess." She said, as she put down the book she was reading. "What's up?"

"I don't've been so quiet for the past few days. You don't even talk to me anymore and if you do, it's to say hi or something. Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"It's...nothing really..." She said, as she looked down at her feet.

There was something going on. Something she didn't want to tell me, but I wanted to help her.

"Adrimel, lets talk about it. I don't want you to have it all bottled up inside. What's wrong?"

And suddenly, right then and there, Adrimel started crying. She was CRYING. This never happens! The only time i've ever seen her cry is when her dog died. She's always the happiest girl in the world. She's so strong...but then she started telling me about Braiden and how he kissed her. I understand exactly what she's talking about now.

"And I mean, if he really liked me he would have told me right then and there. Not just leave without saying anything after we kissed..." She said, as she was wiping away tears with her shirt.

I didn't want to see her like this. She doesn't deserve it. She was right. If Braiden really DID like her, he would have said something that night he kissed her.

"I know Adri." I said, as I hugged her. "Have you talked to him?"

"No. I haven't talked to him since it happened last week."

"Maybe you should. I think he's getting the wrong message, and maybe he doesn't know that what he did was wrong."

"But I don't want this to end up like all the other guys i've liked! Braiden actually means something to me."

"I know he does, but I still think you should call him." I said, as I passed her iPhone to her.

"Okay..." She said, timidly as she checked her phone. Braiden had called her 24 times in the past week and had sent her a butt load of texts. Yep. This dude likes her, but I wanted to leave that part to him. "Holy crap!" She said, as she read through all of them. Seriously, this kids in love.

"I told you! Now go talk to him, he's probably worried sick!" I heard a loud thud come from Adrimel's room, but I ignored it and let her do her own thing.

Then I had some questions for myself, do I like Connor? Or did that kiss even mean anything? For all I know, he could have kissed me just to make me feel better. I didn't want to believe that though. Maybe I should talk to him. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I hadn't talked to him since the night before. "I'll call him" I said, as I grabbed my phone and slowly typed in his number...

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