Chapter 2- Text Me

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We got to the concert venue and I was shaking uncontrollably. Just the thought of Braiden being here gave me the shivers.

"Oh this is gonna be so exciting! I can't believe Joe Jonas is right in there!" Danielle said as she excitedly jumped.

"I know!" I said nervously.

Suddenly, I hear a voice. Not just any voice. The voice I knew and was anxiously waiting to hear for 2 months. It can't be...

"Adrimel?" Braiden said in a tentative way. "Is that you?"

Crap. I'm feeling weak in the knees and don't know what to say, so I just turn around and the words come out.

"Braiden? Hey!" I walk up to him and meet him halfway.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" He said, as his beautiful blue eyes twinkled in the sunset of the setting sky.

"I'm doing great actually!" I said, lying to myself.

"Well, that's great! Uhh, you look...amazing by the way.."

BOOM! Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. Did he really just say I look amazing? Does that mean he's interested in me? I really hope so.

"Oh." Was all that came out of my mouth. It's incredible how tongue tied you can get when you get around a guy you have the hots for. "Thank you Braiden, that's sweet of you." I said as I half smiled and blushed.

"You're welcome." He said as he shyly smiled. "So, are you here to see the wonderful Joe Jonas?" He said as he chuckled and blushed slightly.

He looked so adorable when he blushed.

"Yes! And I have no shame in my interests!" I said proudly.

He chuckled then said, "Well I'm glad you're enjoying your time! I should get going though. Connor just wanted to stop by and hand out some flyers for our concert next Monday! You should come along if you can." He said slightly smiling.

Umm, duh! Of course I would go! I mean, if it means getting to see him again.

"Oh, sure! I'll try my hardest." I said as I quietly laughed to myself.

"Well, good." He said as he smiled, revealing his beautiful straight, white teeth. "You should text me sometime."

Woah. This is a big deal. I had tried texting him plenty of times before, but he would always say he was busy or didn't answer. I had the perfect thing to say though.

"Well, I don't know. Should I?" I said, trying to get him to take a hint.

"I think you should. I'll make the effort to talk you this time I promise." He said as he smiled again and winked.

Hint, taken.

"Alright, then I guess I'll text you!"

"Fantastic! I'll see you soon Adrimel." He smiled and we said our goodbyes and he walked away.

'Wow. Okay, what was that?!" Danielle said as she walked back up to me.

"I...I don't know...but he wants to talk to me!" I said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"He doesn't just want to talk to you, he's interested too!"

Is he really? Or is Danielle just having one of those "fantasy" moments again?  I really hope I can go to this concert. Pre-college courses start Sunday afternoon and I need to focus on school, but for Braiden, I think i'll make an acception. After all, he did want to see me again.

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