Chapter 16- Breaking Down

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                                                               *Danielle's P.O.V.*

Shit. That's what I felt like. Complete and utter, shit. I had the worse night last night. My boyfriend stood me up, I was crying all night, and I couldn't sleep at all. I had to hide my head under my pillow so Adri wouldn't hear me crying when she got home. I still just couldn't believe it, but then again, a billion thoughts came to my mind. Was he pissed at me? Did I do something wrong? Or worse, did something happen to him? Calm down Dani. I rubbed my eyes and got rid of the dried up tears that had just fallen down my face the night before. I checked my phone. I had about 24 text messages, 8 missed calls, and 3 voice mails from Connor. Really? What the hell was up with him? I wanted to talk to him, but not yet. I deleted all of it. Even the voice mails. I wanted to know what was going on, but not yet. I wasn't ready. I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, and my nose looked plumped. It was as if I had a runny nose and I was sneezing the whole night. Adri would buy it.

As I walked down the stairs, I tried to clear my mind about everything that happened the night before. I had to have a normal conversation with Adri so she would think that everything was fine. I was lying to myself and her. It'll have to do for now. I saw her sitting down eating breakfast and reading a magazine. Here we go. "Morning Adri!" I said, as cheerful as I could.

She turned around and looked at me. "Oh, hey Dani! How was your night?" She said, taking a bite of her toast.

She had to ask? " was good. Yours?" I said, as I searched for my favorite cereal in the pantry.

"Oh it was fantastic! Braiden's parents are awesome! Did you know tha-" And that's when I stopped listening. You know for a small girl, Adri talks A LOT. You can't stop her after she's started. I nodded occasionally and said "mhm" a lot so she would think that I was listening. I know, you may think i'm a mean friend. If you've known her as long as I have, you would understand my struggle. I still love her though. That's when I decided to stop her. "That's great Adri! I'm happy for you! I'm gonna go take a shower though! I'll be back!" As I started walking away, she said something that stopped me in my tracks.

'Wait! Tell me about Connor! How did that go last night?!"

Right then and there, I broke down.

Literally broke down. I fell on the floor and began to cry.

I was heartbroken.


                                                            *Connor's P.O.V.*

Why wouldn't she call me? Was she that mad? Should I keep trying to call her? Is that the right thing to do? Stop Connor. You stayed up all night and you're probably going crazy. I felt like crap. I couldn't believe what a douchbag move I had pulled on Danielle. I was so stupid! How could I just fall asleep like that?! And now, she probably won't even talk to me. Great job Connor. Now your own girlfriend won't talk to you. I frantically looked for my phone and checked. Nothing. Not even a text from my best friends. Man, I screwed up. I had to talk to her. I had to get everything to be perfect again. I can't lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. I won't let that happen to me again. No. I love her.

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