Chapter 1- He'll Never Like Me

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It's a hot December day in Florida and Adri and Danielle are getting ready to see Joe Jonas in concert...

                                                               *Adri's POV*

"Oh my gosh Adri! Can you believe were gonna go see Joe Jonas in concert?!" Danielle said as she put on her eyeliner.

"Actually I can! It's gonna be great!" I said as I was putting on my green converse.

You see, I love Joe Jonas, don't get me wrong I do! But this was Danielle's first concert and she was super excited. I, on the other hand, had already seen him in concert so I wasn't freaking out as much as I thought I would, which was fine by me. I needed the energy for the concert anyway.

"I wonder if any cute guys will be there! Then we can finally find you a boyfriend!" She said giggling.

"I don't know Dani...I mean, a concert isn't really a place where I would like to find a boyfriend. Plus, I'm happy being single!" I said, lying to myself.

Alright, in all honesty, I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend. Actually, I've had my eyes set on someone very special. His names Braiden Wood and he's in my favorite band called Before You Exit. He's cute, funny, down to earth, and also plays guitar, but how on earth would he notice ME? Out of all people? I've known him for a few months and i've talked to him a few times. Although he has a pretty busy schedule, he makes time to talk to me. Very weird. But for now, were just friends. Which i'm fine with. Totally..fine with...

"Aww come on Adri! Lighten up! You gotta be ready to mingle no matter what! And who knows, maybe you'll see Braiden there." She said nudging my shoulder.

Okay, she's officially lost it. It's bad enough that I have a major crush on Braiden and I'm trying to keep it from others, but she's making it harder by opening her big mouth about it all the time anywhere! The mall, the movies, even at concerts, where fan girls could be lurking around the corner.

"Dani...he's just a friend and you know it. Now can we please get going? I wanna get there early to find a good place to stand." I said as I grabbed my sling bag off my bed.

"Ugh. I guess! At least I look amazing!" She twirls around to show me her entire outfit which is a teal, romper, and beige gladiators. My outfit was simple. A green t shirt with skinny jeans, and green converse.

"Yes, you do. Now lets go!" I grabbed my car keys and got in the car.

While I was driving, lots of things were going through my head. Well actually, I was just trying to zone out Danielle, who was singing Joe Jonas at the top of her lungs. Honestly, I wouldn't mind finding Braiden at the concert. I think it would be rather interesting, considering the fact that I hadn't seen him in 2 months. I'm sure it would be great to catch up and see how he's doing. I hope I don't chicken out if I do see him though. I don't want him to know I like him. Besides, would it hurt to maybe ask him to hang out sometime? You friends? What am I thinking. He'll never like me...Or would he?

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