Chapter 12- Who's That Girl?

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                                                                 *Danielle's P.O.V.*

When we got to the venue, the guys let us stand in a mini V.I.P. section that was cut off for celebrities only. Adrimel and I felt pretty special but I just wanted to be with Connor the whole night.

"Oh my gosh...this place is huge!" Adrimel said, as she sat down and looked around the arena in awe.

"I know! Way better than the House Of Blues!" The typical venue where we go to watch concerts.

The arena was filling pretty quickly and about an hour later, the guys started performing. Singing some of there newer songs and some older jams, which I loved of course. Adrimel and I bobbled our heads and fist pumped as true fan girls would do. We were definitely into it. At the end of the concert, the crowd went wild and began exiting the arena. Adrimel and I stayed behind and started talking.

"Wow! That was so good! They really know how to put on a show!" Adrimel said, as she looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Tell me about it! It was amazing! I'm gonna go see if Connor's backstage. Wanna come with?" I said.

"Nah, I'll wait here. Braiden texted me and said he would meet me here." She said. And with that, I turned on my heel and walked backstage.

On my way there, I passed by sweating band dudes, and half of the All Time Low crew. Backstage was pretty cool. Wish I could have been back there more often. Then, I saw Connor. With a girl. Who was she? What was she doing there? The girl was short, dark brown hair, and big brown eyes. She was wearing a black flowery tank top, a blue jean cardigan, a black tight skirt, fishnets, and black combat boots. I really liked her outfit, but I didn't like her. She was twirling her hair flirty-like and smiling. Connor was laughing and I tuned into their conversation:

'"Well this concert was really great! I'm glad I could come out and watch. It was definitely worth my time." The girl said, as she winked at him.

"Really? That's great. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I should get going though. My girlfriends waiting." He said, as he started walking away from her.

"Wait Connor!" She said, running in front of him. "Goodbye hug!" She said, as she pulled him into a hug and he awkwardly hugged back. Oh, hell no.

"Bye Megan." He said, as he waved and walked towards me. So her name was Megan. "Danielle!" His face beamed with excitement, as he ran over and kissed me. "What did you think of the concert?"

"It was great! I really enjoyed it!" I said, trying to sound as happy as I could at the moment. "So...who was that girl you were talking to?" I said. I wanted to know who this chick thought she was.

"Oh, Megan?" He said, pointing back behind him. "She's just an old friend of mine. No big deal." No big deal my ass. He knows something I don't know and I wanted to find out. I wasn't trying to be clingy. I just didn't like the vibe coming from both of them.

"Oh, really?" I said, crossing my arms. "How do you know her?"

He took the bait and gave in. "She's of my old ex girlfriends. She was in town and wanted to check out the new sound." Why was I not surprised?

"Oh...that's cool." I said, fake smiling.

"Yeah. I let her come backstage. She had to leave a few minutes after we finished." Mind you, she was talking to him for 20 minutes AFTER the concert. Not clingy, I swear. Just curious.

"Well that's very sweet of you Connor!' I said, trying not to run out of the arena in tears. It wasn't that I was jealous, I just thought that he would have told me about her before we dated. When we hung out at his house and talked for what felt like hours on end. I thought he would have told me then. Not now.

"Yeah, I guess so." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Wanna go get a bite to eat?" He said, hopefully. How could I say no to that adorable face? Ugh. Shut up Danielle. You're giving in to easily.

"Yeah, I would love to." I said, with a small smile on my face. We got Adrimel and Braiden and we were on our way.

For some odd reason, I wanted to know more about this Megan chick. I was fine that he dated her. What's in the past is in the past, but something about her shook me. It felt like deep inside, she was planning to interfere with Connor and I. Who am I to talk though? I don't even know her that well. All I knew was that she dated Connor, and that's about it. I'm fine with it. Totally fine with it. Maybe.

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