Chapter 7- First Kiss

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                                                                 *Adrimel's POV*

My life feels like it's over. Not only do I know that Braiden doesn't like me, but now I know that he has a girlfriend that he's still in love with. It just doesn't make sense. Why keep falling in love with someone who's causing so much pain in your life?

We got home and all Danielle could talk about was the kiss she had shared with Connor. I'm not surprised though. They were meant to be.

"Oh my gosh but it was amazing! I honestly just didn't see it coming!" She said, as she fell back on her bed.

"I'm happy for you Dani." I said, half smiling and sitting on a chair next to her.

"And again, i'm super sorry about you and Braiden...I honestly thought he had the hots for you." She said, sitting up and looking at me.

Dang it. Why did she have to bring that up again? I already feel terrible and she's just adding onto it. I can't show her I'm upset though.

"It's fine. I'll get over it." I said, as I shrugged my shoulders and let out a deep sigh. "Anywho, I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

"Alright! Nighty night!" She said, as she laid down and I walked out, got into bed, and slowly started drifting into sleep.

I was falling asleep and just thinking about everything that had happened today. I still couldn't believe it. It felt as if Braiden was leading me on, although I know he wasn't doing it on purpose. Suddenly, I heard a loud thump on my window. Unusual, considering the fact that I live on the second floor.

I got up and quickly walked over to my balcony and opened the door to see Braiden standing down below. "Braiden..? What are you doing here?" I said, as I looked at him puzzled.

"Hey...can I talk to you for a few?" He said, looking up at me. He looked like he was upset.

"Yeah, of course." I said, as I ran downstairs and opened the door. The first thing he did was grab me and pull me into a long hug.

Something must have happened. He wouldn't come to my house at 2 in the morning just to say hello. Something was up.

"Hey, Braiden..what's going on?" I said, as I looked at him.

"Can we talk outside..?" He said, as he pointed to the glass sliding door and we walked out and sat down.

"What's going on...?" I said, looking at him worried.

" girlfriend broke up with me..." He said, as a tear fell down his cheek.

I can't believe this chick. She just lost the most amazing guy in the whole world. Why would she ever want to let go of him? This is the first time I've ever seen him cry...I really wish I didn't have to...

"Oh my gosh...Braiden, I'm so sorry..." I said, as I pulled him into another hug.

"It's okay...I guess it was for the best." He said, as we both pulled away and looked at each other.

"She obviously doesn't know what she's missing out on. You're an amazing guy Braiden. You're talented, adorable, smart, funny, and nerdy in the nicest way possible. You're a girls dream guy, and if you're not, then I don't know what a dream guy is."

I couldn't believe what I had just said. Those were things that I would have never thought of telling him. I just had to let him know, he's such an amazing person..

His face lit up and he gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen from him. "You honestly think i'm adorable?"

Of course he would pick that.

"Of course! Totally adorable!" I said, as I wiped the tear from his cheek. "But never waste your tears on someone that's not worth it." I said, as I slightly smiled.

"Thanks really know how to make someone feel better." He said, as he smiled at me again and put his hand on my cheek. "You're pretty amazing." He said, smirking.

Was he going to kiss me? I really hope so. He would be my first kiss...

"Aww, that's so sweet. Thank you." I said, as I blushed a little.

Suddenly, I felt him pull me close and wrap an arm around my waist. Was he really doing what I thought he was going to do? No. He's not going to kiss me. As soon as I felt his lips clash onto mine, I felt like we were the only two in the world. He was my first kiss, and I definitely felt sparks. I just hoped that he felt them too.

He pulled away. "Wow..." He said, as he let out a sigh.

"Wow..that was..great..." I said, as I looked down as my face was turning red.

"It was..." He said, looking at me nervously and biting his lip.

"Is something wrong?" I said, as I looked at him puzzled.

"Well..I don't know. I mean, it would be wrong if you said no...but it would be great if you said yes. But me?" He said, looking at me.

I still couldn't believe me. He kissed me and expects me NOT to like him? Of course I do, but how do I tell him without sounding like a total idiot?

"Well, of course I like you! I wouldn't have kissed you back if I didn't!" I said, as I looked at him hopefully and blushed a little more.

"Oh thank goodness!" He said, releasing a sigh.

I needed to know. I needed to know if he liked me. It was worth the shot of asking him, so I did.

" you like me too?" I asked, nervously.

"Yeah..yeah, I think I do.." He said, looking at me with a smile on his face.

It's official. Braiden Wood likes me. Either that, or he's just saying it to make me feel better. Although by the feeling from the kiss, I knew he really meant it. My life just went from terrible to amazing just because of one kiss. It was the first kiss that I had always dreamed of. Surprise kisses that come out of nowhere. I could really see me falling in love with him, and I had a feeling that he saw himself falling in love with me too.

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