|•The Show•|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[H/S] - home stable
[F/A] - favourite area
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
You were relieved that Elizabeth gave you some days off, just so you and [H/N] could rest and recover a bit from the stress of the last days.

You two rode around and help the citizens of Jorvik, since you both love helping people. But most of the time, you were in [F/A]. You two really like it there and enjoy spending time together at this peaceful place.

The sun was already setting and you went to a field/forest/beach (you can choose) along with [H/N]. He/She really liked that place, so you thought it would be a nice idea to do something for him/her, since he/she needs to carry you around all day.

You dismounted your horse and let him/her walk around for a bit and do whatever his/her heart desires. You leaned back on a stone/tree (depends on what location you chose) and relaxed.

[H/N] joined you after a while and nuzzled your face, causing you to giggle. "The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" You asked. [H/N] simply nodded.

"But don't forget about the druid meeting tomorrow, beautiful" You always start to smile when he/she compliments you and he/she knows that.

"I won't, don't worry" you smiled back. You put your hands in your pockets as you noticed something.

You took a piece of paper out of your pocket and suddenly remember Ydris giving it to you. It was a ticket to one of his shows. It was golden and very detailed.

You shook your head when you saw the time. The show is in 2 hours?! You swiftly got up and hopped on [H/N], who was a bit confused by your sudden action, but he/she didn't mind. You needed to be fast if you wanna make it on time. Glady [H/S] wasn't too far away.

-Time skip-

When you arrived at [H/S], you took a shower and put some new clothes on. You didn't know why you were so excited to see Ydris again. You guys only met one time... keep it in your pants [Y/N].

As you arrived at [H/N]'s stall, you quickly gave him/her water, since he/she gets pushed to his/her limits everyday.

After [H/N] was done drinking, you tacked him/her up. When everything was done, you mounted and galloped off towards Nilmers Highland.

As the two of you arrived, you dismounted your horse, practically exploding from excitement.

"Why are you so excited to see that weird man again?" [H/N] asked, in a kinda annoyed and mistrustful tone.

"I just like circuses, that's alls" You replied overexcited and slightly blushing.

"Sooo... that's exactly the reason why you're blushing?" He/She said, in a suspiscious way.

"God, can't you just let me have my fun one darn time?" You asked, something inbetween teasing and annoyance.

"Hey, you know we can't trust some random stranger! What if he belongs to Dark Core?"

And there we go again.

"You sound just like Elizabeth right now." you stated. [H/N] faked to be offended, but got the fun too.

"Whatever." he/she said.

You walked inside the tent and looked for a free seat. A few seconds of searching anf you gladly found one.

After you sat down, you thought about [H/N]'s words. What if he/she is right and Ydris was really actually just someone of Dark Core? What if he's really one of the druids enemies? What if-- Your thoughts got interrupted by a man speaking.

"Madames et Monsieurs, welcome to my circus of dreams!~" A puff of purple smoke appeared in the middle of the ring and Ydris stepped out of it.

He bowed down and then started to scan the crowd. As his eyes met yours a smirk started to creep on his face and you slightly blushed, followed by a smile.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I am the magical and amazing Ydris! But you can call me anything, as long as it's not ordinary~" He looked up at you again and tossed you a wink, causing you to blush deeply. Why does this man make me feel this way?

The beginning of the show was opened by cute ponies riding through the ring and jumping through fire rings. Quite stereotypical in my opinion, but still amazing!

As the show came to an end, Zee trotted in the ring. Ydris spoke a few words in a beautiful language and all of a sudden Zee turned purple with pink cracks. She is so beautiful! You thought as your eyes sparkled in astonishment.

Zee came trotting to Ydris, who appeared in the middle of the ring again.

"Madames et Monsieur, this wasn't quite the end yet~" Ydris shouted as he raised his arms in the air like an excited child.

"What's better than one beautiful horse? Two beautiful horses and a beautiful lady!~"

You became a weird and uncomfortable feeling. Ydris snapped his fingers and purple smoke engulfed you.

As the smoke faded, you found yourself on [H/N] in the middle of the ring. The two of you had a completely new appearance and you both were confused and lowkey panicking.

"May I introduce you to the brightest star on the night sky, [Y/N] [L/N]!" you didn't know what to do, so you just looked at Ydris, while [H/N] was killing him with looks and pinned his/her ears.

Music started playing and you started to feel helpless. Zee started to perform again and you looked over at Ydris. He nodded at you and you felt a little more comforted. You took in all the courage you had and started to perform along with Zee with a few simply dressage figures you learned at riding school.

-Time skip to the end of your Performance-

The song played for what felt like forever. You still found yourself having fun. After the song ended you, [H/N] and Zee came to a stop. Ydris appeared next to you, causing you to slightly jump in shock.

"Everybody, a big applause for [Y/N] and her wonderful horse [H/N]!" The whole crowd applaused loudly and cheered your name while you began to feel uncomfortable.

Ydris ended the show and everybody took their leave. You and [H/N] stood in place, as if you were unable to move.

After the whole tent was empty, Ydris held his hand out for you to take it. You smiled and gladly took it, while [H/N] had an disgusted look about him/her. Geez, he/she really needs to chill.

"Ma chérie, how was the show?~" he whispered in your ear.


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