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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)

Note: I've posted this chapter again because I made changes near the end! Anyways, enjoy the chapter <3
You opened your eyes and the first thing you noticed is that it was still raining. The rain was loudly crashing against the window, but you didn't really mind at this point.

Something beneath you was gently rising and lowering. You looked down and noticed you were laying on top of Ydris. His arms were protectively wrapped around you and his lips were slightly parted. A smile formed on your lips. He's so adorable when he's sleeping.

You laid your head back down onto Ydris' bare chest and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep again. A few minutes passed and you were almost asleep again when you felt Ydris stroking your hair. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up at Ydris, who was softly smiling at you.

"Good morning, my sweet~" Ydris sat up along with you, so you were now sitting on his lap. He started caressing your cheek and you combed your hand through his hair. Ydris leaned in to kiss you but got interrupted by the door practically smashing open.

You jolted back in shock and stared at the door, quickly moving off of Ydris' lap.

"What did I tell you about knocking, you stupid fool?" Ydris tone was furious and intimidating. It caused you to back a bit away from Ydris. He looked at you and his features softened. He turned his attention back to Xin. "What do you want?" Ydris voice showed that he was annoyed. "There's someone who wants to speak you, master Ydris"

Ydrid furrowed, followed by a sigh. "I'll be outside, you may take your leave." Ydris said. Xin turned around and left the room.

With the flick of his fingers purple smoke engulfed Ydris and he stood there in his full ringmaster outfit. He walked up to you and cupped your cheek. "I'll be back to you in no time, ma chérie~" Ydris whispered and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. After that he left the room. Couldn't he have just kissed me on the lips?

Minutes passed since Ydris left and he isn't back by now. You decided to make yourself useful and go look for Ydris.

You stepped out of the wagon and found yourself in the middle of a conversation, literally. You looked to the left and saw Ydris looking at you with big eyes and a kind of shocked expression. To your right was... no way. Is this the hoe you got caught up in a fight with yesterday in New Hillcrest? Yep, yep it is. What's that slut doing here?

She looked at you with disgust in her face.

"Ew, what are you doing here?" She said with a pissed off voice. "I was about to ask the same." You spat back. "That's none of your business. Now go slut around somewhere else you ugly bitch."

You backed away with a shocked expression. What did she just call me? You looked down and noticed that you were only wearing one of Ydris' flannels and your [F/C] panties. The bottons on your collar bone were open, exposing quite much from your chest. Your face turned a crimson red and the girl in front of you started laughing mockingly.

"You don't even realise how stupid you look?" She laughed. "I beg your pardon?" Ydris interrupted, his voice deeper than usal. The girl shot you an annoyed look "You're in my way" She took a step forward and forcefully pushed you out of the way, causing you to hit the wagon with your back.

"Enough!" Ydris voice demanded. "What, you're protecting that slu-" Before she could finish the sentence Ydris let out a low growl. "Don't you dare to call her that" He threatened.

"Xin, please get this intruder out of my sight" Ydris ordered. "Don't even think about touching me!" She screeched. Xin ignored her and grabbed her leg. As soon as he did, they both disappeared in purple smoke.

Ydris turned to you, but you kept your gaze on the ground, rubbing your still bandaged arm. You just realised that you haven't changed them once in these two weeks.

Ydris took ahold of your chin and made you look up at him. "Let's get you inside, my love~"

He led you inside, but you remained silent the whole time. Once you and Ydris were back in the bedroom you sat down on the soft mattress of the bed. You don't even know why her words hurt you that much. Two hands gripped your shoulders firmly and Ydris kneeled down in front of you.

"Ma chèrie~" Ydris rather... cooed than asked. You didn't move or reacted to his voice. He took a few strands of your hair and pulled them behind your ear. Afterwards he gently kissed your cheek.

You lifted your gaze and looked at Ydris, who was smiling at you. His warm hand pressed against your cold cheek and your lips curled upwards into a smile. Geez how you missed his comfort.

His thumb started to gently brush over your cheek. "Don't listen to the cruel words of this flea. She's a parasite that no one wants in this world" You started to giggle at his words. You never heard Ydris insulting someone else besides Xin.

"Unlike you" He continued. "You're a beautiful flower everybody should desire to have~" He said with sweet voice. Ydris tapped your nose with his index finger and you blushed deeply at his words and actions, causing him to chuckle.

"Ydris..." you whispered. "Yes, my love?" He looked deeply into your eyes, patiently awaiting your next words. Without further thinking you shot forward, taking Ydris by surprise.

Your bodies collided with such force that you and him fell to the ground. Your lips were pressed against his and everything around you faded. This feeling was indescribable beautiful.

(Re-Written Part)

After what seemed like forever the two of you broke apart to get air. For some reason your body was lightly shivering, obviously not with fear, more like with happiness.

You were currently leaning on your elbows, hovering above Ydris. He just smiled at you and cupped your cheek with one of his gloved hands. The soft fabric of the glove gently brushed against your skin and made you feel relaxed and secure.

Ydris pulled you down into a gentle and comforting hug, stroking your hair with one hand, the other one resting on your back.

The dimly lit room made the atmosphere even better. The rain wasn't crashing down anymore, instead it made a soft, kind of rushing noise. No other sounds to be heard.

"Je t'aime" you heard Ydris whisper in your ear. Surprised, you shot into a sitting position "W-What did you say?" Ydris leaned up so you were sitting on his lap. "I love you, little pedal~"

He leaned down and placed another soft and tender kiss on your lips. You kissed back and silently prayed that this moment would never end, that someone would just stop time to make this last forever.

However, Ydris pulled away and chuckled at your red face once more. What is so amusing about that anyways? You just looked at him with a smitten smile, unsure of what to do next.

But one thing was for sure: your relationship is starting to recover.
[A/N] Soo I decided to rewrite the end since it was really cringe xD This won't effect my update schedule, means the next chapter comes on Wednesday or Thursday! See you then~

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