|•See you soon, ma Chérie•|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts/dream
Bold - Phone Call
(Author Note)
A really sweet smell was in the air as you opened your eyes. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. That's when you noticed Ydris was gone. The sun shone through the window, giving the room a slight golden touch. Your eyes wandered around the room and your eyes fell on your clothes on the floor.

You blushed at the thought of yesterday night's events. Eventually you decided to make yourself useful and got up. The soft carpet of the room tickled on your feet. Within one minute you threw your clothes on and put your hair into a simple ponytail. There was a light knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted.

The door opened and Ydris stepped in the room. "Good morning, my little dove~" he smiled at you. "Good morning" you smiled back. "Slept well?~" A small smirk made it's way into his face and you exactly knew why. "Yes a lot better than in a while." He seemed satisfied with your answer.

As he turned around, he motioned you to follow him. You quickly obeyed and followed him outside. There was a table, which was beautifully decorated and had food on it. Your eyes grew wide. Ydris must have noticed because he started to chuckle. "Go on, I'll join you in ten minutes, my sweet~"

Ydris disappeared into his wagon again and you ran to the table. Gosh, I feel like starving! As you sat down and started to eat and [H/N] and Zee cantered up to you. Your lovely horse nuzzled your shoulder and Zee whined a hello.

As you were done eating, Ydris came out of the wagon. He had something in his hands. What is he holding? A cup maybe? He sat down across the table, so he was facing you. Zee let out a small snort, it sounded kinda weird tho. Ydris took a quick glance at Zee. "Zee, shoo." He ushered her away. What? She must go but [H/N] can stay?

You looked down at the cup and took it in both your hands, leaving it on the table. It was hot chocolate and it had a heart formed of milk foam in the center of it. "Wow..." was all you were able to say. It was so beautiful...

Ydris put his hands over yours, which were still resting on the cup. You looked up at him and met his soft gaze. His eyes were still astonishing you. "Ma chérie?~" his soft voice asked. You tilt your head a bit in curiosity. "I'll be gone for the next few days, but I'll be back to you in no time~" As he said this, your happiness turned into sorrow. "Where are you going?" Your voice was quiet, it was almost a whisper. "That's no information for you to know, little pedal. I'm sorry~" You slowly nodded.

Ydris and you kept chatting for a while. It was already 2pm. Your chatter was interrupted by your phone ringing. You looked at the screen and sighed. "Please excuse me for a second..." you took a few steps away and turned your back to Ydris.

[Y/N]: "Hi Linda"

Linda: "Hi [Y/N], how are you feeling?

[Y/N]: "I'm good, thanks for asking. But you surely don't call just to ask me that.

Linda: "Yes, there is something else."

God, please stop to talk around it.

[Y/N]: "Spit it out, Linda"

Linda: "Elizabeth wants to talk to the Soul Riders, including you."

You fell silent.

Linda: "[Y/N]?"

[Y/N]: "Y-Yes? When?"

Linda sighed.

Linda: "As soon as possible. So where are you? I'll come and pick you up."

[Y/N]: "Let's meet at Steve's in... 10 minutes?"

Linda: "Okay. See you!"

You hung up without a word. "Ydris I--" You turned around and noticed that Ydris was gone, along with Zee. "Ydris?" You shouted. Still no trace of him. [H/N] trotted up to you with a worried expression. "Have you seen where he went?" It was really irritating. "No deary, I didn't" [H/N] replied. You looked everywhere, but no trace of him.

Eventually you gave up and made your way to Steve's to meet up with Linda.

--Time Skip--

"Hey, don't worry, you can do that" Linda reassured you as you were about to enter the stone circle. You were really anxious to face the others again. Somehow this memories followed you everywhere and wouldn't let go. You didn't knew why and that's what scared you.

As you entered the stone circle everybody looked at you with sympathy. You simply looked down, too afraid to meet anyones gaze.

"[Y/N], come here please" Elizabeth said in a soft voice. You dismounted [H/N] in what feels like slow motion. You anxiously made your way to Elizabeth, still avoiding her gaze as your whole body was shivering. Elizabeth and the others remained silent the whole time.

As you were standing in front of Elizabeth, she pulled you into a soft hug, which took you by surprise. The tension that had built up in your body slowly went away and you hugged back. "I'm glad you're okay [Y/N]. You scared us all to death." Elizabeth spoke.

"Not only she did..." Alex mumbled. Lisa and Starshine shot her a death glare and she put her hands in front of her mouth. "W-What does that mean?" You asked as you pulled away from the hug. "[Y/N] listen--" Alex started but you cut her off. "Wait, where's Fripp?"

Everybody was silent and stared at each other. Elizabeth let out a short sigh. "Fripp needed to destroy the portal stone to Pandoria in order to protect you from being kidnapped..." there was a short pause "Fripp got knocked out because of this and hasn't recovered yet." You looked at her with shock and disbelief. Wait... Fripp got incredibly hurt because of... me?

You felt tears filling your eyes. It didn't take them long to roll down your cheek. Elizabeth softly whiped them away. "He is stronger than he looks, [Y/N]. He'll be fine" she reassured you. You plainly nodded. Elizabeth sighed. "Let's go on with the meeting, girls."

--Time Skip--

The meeting was over and you still needed to process some things. Fripp is badly hurt because of me, Pandoric energy is pulsing through Jorvik and I have to go back to that horrible place Pandoria... great, just great! As you exited the stone circle with your horse, you let yourself fall forward until your head hit [H/N]'s neck. "Hey! Careful [Y/N], that hurt!" He/She hissed. Alex rubbed your back since she was riding next to you. "Don't worry [Y/N], I know you can do this." She smiled at you. You lifted yourself up and smiled at her.

It was already dark, so you and the girls stayed at Elizabeth's place. You removed [H/N]'s tack and had put it in Elizabeth's house. He/She will stay outside tonight, horses don't always have to sleep in a stall and [H/N] asked to stay outside, so it's fine. You made your way to your room and went to bed. You quickly dozed off to sleep.


You opened your eyes and were in a pitch black room again. You looked around but saw nothing. Suddenly you saw light. It was a portal! Causiously you walked into the it.

You were blinded by a dizzling light for a second, but soon realized you were standing in a room. 'It looks like a bedroom' you thought. You heard screaming and yelling from the outside. It sounds like there are people arguing. You opened the door, feeling anxiety building up inside you.

You were now standing in a living room and there were two people arguing, a man and a woman. You had an odd feeling as you stepped closer. Suddenly you froze in place as you realized who these people were.
[A/N] Helloooo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 Who do you think could this people be? I'm always glad to see your theories♡ Also: I don't really have an update schedule yet, so the parts are uploaded unregulary!

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