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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[H/S] - home stable
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
It's been half an hour since you messaged Alex and yet there was no reply. You got up and wanted to check if you got a message from Alex by now, but of course your phone had to die. "Shit..."

"[Y/N]!!" You turned around to look where the voice came from and saw three riders approaching you.

Almost instantly a big smile was all across your face and your eyes were full of water. After everything that happened, you finally get to see your friends, your family, again.

As they were close enough Alex, Lisa and Linda quickly dismounted their horses, running into your direction. You immediatly did the same and the four of you collided and fell to your knees, intertwined in a big group hug.

"Guys..." you whispered as you hugged them all even tighter like they would slip away at any second.

"Thank Aideen, you're okay!" Lisa happily exclaimed.

"Yes, I am" was all you managed to say, since you couldn't come up with anything good.

After what felt like forever you all pulled away from the hug. Alex slightly punched your arm.

"Do you idiot even know how much you scared us with your sudden disappearance act?!" She asked with slightly raised voice.

"Alex, calm down, it's fine now, isn't it?" You smiled and tried to reassure her when a question came to your mind.

"How long have I been gone for?" They all looked at you with confusion.


"Just answer the question." You waved your hand in a dismissing manner.

They all seemed to think for a bit. "A little over 2 weeks" Linda said.

Only two weeks? It felt way longer... I don't wanna know how it feels for Anne...

"Jorvik to [Y/N]" Alex flicked her fingers in front of your face.

"You definitely have the talent to zone out at the most perfect moments deary" [H/N] snarked teasingly.

"Oh shush you" you said in a playful tone.

"But [Y/N], what happened? Where were you?" Linda asked with worry in her voice.

"Nothing really, why?" You lied. I should probably practice lying a bit more. 

"I don't know, maybe because you disappear for 2 weeks and suddenly come back looking like... that." Tin-Can said. [H/N] and Alex gave Tin-Can a subtle death glare.

You started to grow perplexed. "What do you mean?" The confusion in your voice obviously audible.

"Girl... have you been looking in a mirror lately? You look terrible." Alex asked. You simply stared at her not saying a word.

Linda gestured towards the ocean. "Just look there"

You hesitantly made your way to the water and looked at your refelction. The picture in front of you was horrible.

You had several scratch wounds all over your face, a busted lip, there was a bit dried blood on your forehead and... how the hell did you get the black eye? You don't remember picking a fight with someone. Well... not physically at least.

Still shocked at the sight in front of you your breathing subconsciously got quicker. A hand laid on your shoulder and you flinched at the unexpected contact. You turned around and faced a worried Lisa.

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