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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts/dream
Dream thoughts
(Author Note)
"M-Mom?!" You couldn't believe your eyes. She looked totally different back then, you could only recognize her because of her voice.

But who's that guy she's arguing with? He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was tall and built, he also looked intimidating. "I won't let you harm her!" Your mother shouted. Tears were rolling down her face. The sight of your mother crying made you nearly cry too. "This stupid girl is useless! She'll throw us away when she's old enough!" The guy sounded drunk. His voice sent shivers down your spine. Who the heck is he?

"Why would you know that?!" your mom snapped back. The man growled. "You stupid bitch, get rid of that fucking kid or else I'll do it!" The voice of this guy was deep and raspy. He took a step forward. Your mom instantly ran in front of him and screamed "NO!" She pushed the guy away and he fell to the ground. "I won't let you hurt [Y/N]! She's your daughter too, why do you want to hurt her?!"

You felt like your heart stopped beating. This guy is your dad? This fucking asshole is your dad?! N-No... that's impossible! Mom always described him as sweet, kind and caring... not as a stupid asshole who drinks his worries away... your thoughts got interrupted by a loud smash. You looked at the direction of the smash.

"MOM!" you yelled. This stupid idiot smashed her to the ground. She was bleeding and her whole body was shaking. You wanted to run to her, but some kind of magical force kept you in place. You were simply standing there, forced to watch your... 'dad'... beating up your mom.

He started to kick her and tears rolled down your face. "STOP!" you screamed. This sight was unbearable. It hurted to just stand there, unable to help your mom. You fell down to your knees and closed your eyes tightly. You clenched your fist and smashed it into the floor with full force. Suddenly the ground underneath you broke and you fell in endless blackness.

You felt yourself hit the ground harshly. You slowly got up and looked around. Pandoria?! What am I doing in this hell of a place?! Why-- your thoughts got interrupted once again by someone's voice. "My, My~ Shouldn't a dove be able to fly?~" It was Ydris. You turned around and looked at him with shock and terror, mainly because the images of a few moments ago were still haunting you. "What? I don't get a hello, my sweet?~" Ydris was standing in front of you and caressed your cheek. "W-Why am I here? Why do I keep having these dreams? W-What are you doing here?" You sobbed. All this questions started to hurt your head.

"Ma chérie, there are always reasons~" He pressed his lips against yours. You didn't do anything to stop him, you were in too much shock. "Seems like my dove feels down today~" he cooed. You looked at him with a confused expression. "But does she know that there's always a way to sink further into the ground?~" he whispered in your ear. "See you soon [Y/N]~" with that you felt a shadow-seeker hit your side, causing you to fall over the edge of the cliff you were currently standing on.

You fell into the pandoric water. It wasn't like the water in Jorvik at all. This was more like a thick, glibby mass. It burned like hell on the parts of your body that were uncovered. Slowly everything started to fade into complete darkness.

You jolted up in a sitting position. Your breaths were sharp and heavy and your whole body was covered in sweat. "Good god..." you mumbled. The images of your mother and your father fighting flooded back in your mind. You started sobbing uncontrollably. The image of your mother getting beaten up because of you... because she wanted to protect you.

You jumped as you heard someone knock on your door. Confused you looked at your mobile to see what time it was. 2am? Who the fuck knocks on my door at 2am? You noticed that Ydris sent you a message. Curious you clicked on it.

Ydris: "I'm sorry for walking out my sweet~ I had important business to take care of. I'll be back to you soon~"

You sighed in relief, knowing he was okay. The door screached as someone slowly opened it and your head shot into it's direction. Carefully, Alex peaked her head through the door.

"Alex, it's 2am. What are you doing here and why aren't you asleep?" You questioned her. "I could ask you the same question [Y/N]. Why are you sleeping on the carpet of the living room?" Alex whispered. "What--" you glanced around to notice she was true. I could have sworn I fell asleep in bed! Just like every other normal human. You looked back at Alex. "I came down here because I heard a loud bang, so I came to check on it. And then you were sitting--" Suddenly her expression went from confused to concerned as she kneeled down in front of you.

"[Y/N]" she whispered. "Where you crying?" You tensed up at her question. "Wha-- N-No! Don't be stupid!" Good point, just deny what's obvious you idiot! You mentally slapped yourself for that. "[Y/N]--" Alex started but you cut her off. "Listen, I just had a bad dream okay?" Alex opened her mouth to say something, but you could guess what she was about to say. "And NO, I don't know how I got here."

You heard Alex sigh. "Let's get back to sleep, tomorrow will be a long day." Honestly, you don't really feel like sleeping anymore. "Go on, I'll go to [H/N]." You smiled. She nodded at you and went upstairs again.

The front door creaked as you attempted to open it. You cursed under your breath, hoping nobody heard it. As you stepped out, the fresh and chilling night air hit you. It was quite cold for summer, but you didn't mind. [H/N] was already cantering up to you.

"Sweetheart, why aren't you asleep?" He/She asked with curiosity. "I had a nightmare and just wanted to be with my beloved horse" you giggled the last part. [H/N] let out a quiet snort and nuzzled your shoulder, causing you to smile. You quickly mounted [H/N] and made your way to Valedale Lake as all the questions shot back in your mind.

"Do these nightmares mean anything? Why do they keep haunting me? Why is... why is Ydris always there...?"
[A/N] Heyy♡ I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned for the next one, it will be exciting! :)

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