|•The Weeks After•|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[F/A] - favourite area
italic - your thoughts
Bold - message
(Author Note)
The past two weeks were just as always, with one exception. You became practically just as emotional as a rock. Nah, a rock has probably more feelings than you right now. The happy, cheeky girl you were supposed to be is gone. Now, there's only this lifeless shell of a girl.

You were riding through [F/A] as the stars and the moon already shone brightly through the night. "[Y/N] deary?" [H/N] asked as he/she stopped walking. "Yes?" You bluntly replied. There was a short silence between the two of you. "What's up with you? You're acting quite strange lately. You even started to push Alex, Lisa and Linda more and more away." You rolled your eyes. Does he/she really need to get annoying now?

"I don't know what you mean." You lied. [H/N] stomped on the ground, showing of his/her annoyance. "Don't be stupid! We both know something is wrong!" He/She snorted. God dammit, just shut up!

"I feel totally fine, but thanks for the concern!" Your voice was slightly raised and definitaly showed that you were pissed. "[Y/N], what has gotten into you? You usally never act this way!" Okay, fuck it. Just leave me alone.

You dismounted [H/N] and started to walk away. "Where do you think you're going Missy?!" [H/N] asked in an aggressive tone. "Somewhere where I can be alone and far away from you, you stupid piece of lasagna!" You shouted.

[H/N] expression went from angry to deeply hurt. This was really harsh, but you didn't realised it at this moment. You kept glaring at [H/N] like you would kill him/her. You aggressively turned around and stomped away, leaving [H/N] right where he/she was.

As you found a good spot you just sat down and stared wholes in the night.

Oh my god...

Tears started to roll down your face as you burried it in your knees. "Why have I said this..." You started sobbing as guilt overcame you like a tidal wave. "How could I say that to my horse... to my best friend..." You violently shook your head. "No, No, NO!"

You got up and ran back to where you left [H/N]. He/She just wanted to help and you pushed him/her away... hurt his/her feelings...

Time was going in slow motion as you were running. When you finally reached the spot where you left, you froze in place. [H/N] isn't here! Okay, you couldn't expect him/her to stay here after all the bad things you've done. You only hoped [H/N] would have returned to Valedale.

You quickly tugged your phone out of your pocket.

[Y/N]: "Linda, have you or one of the other girls seen [H/N]?"

You hit send and grew more and more impatient. After two minutes of waiting your panic level was at it's maximum. Your breathing was hectic and heavy and your whole body was shivering.

"[H/N]!!" You yelled as you started running again. Nowhere was a trace of your beloved horse. Your feet were dragging you all over the place and eventually you fell down to your knees.

Sobs and small whimpers escaped you and you were on the edge of crying. The buzzing of your phone caught your attention and you really hoped it was Linda.

Linda: "No we haven't. You went on a ride with him/her, so why should he/she be here?

That's it. Your horse just disappeared and is nowhere to be found. You punched the ground in frustration as tears started to escape your eyes. Suddenly you felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder. You turned around and saw [H/N] looking at you.

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