|•Run For Your Life•|

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The feelings of confidence and power ran through your veins like hot lava. The weak sound of hooves hitting the ground echoed through the constant crashing and destruction.

All of a sudden something jumped onto the crystal. It seemed like a horse, but not like Zee, which was probably the only horse knowing where you are. Wait, could it be--

You heard a loud crash and the crystal you were trapped in broke into many pieces. You felt yourself hit the ground face first, but you didn't care. Actually you didn't even felt much of a difference, you got used to being in pain.

You tried to support yourself with your elbows, which wasn't very easy since you haven't moved in a long time. All of your muscles were aching like someone set them on fire.

You felt something under your stomach and before you could make anything out you got thrown up into the air and landed perfectly in a... saddle? Wait, a saddle?!

"[H/N]!!" You yelled as much as your aching and sore throat would allow you. For some odd reason you still couldn't breathe, which made you wonder if there's something like oxygen even existing in Pandoria.

"[Y/N]!! Watch out!!" [H/N] shouted. You snapped back into the unreal reality of Pandoria and saw Garnok's tentacle flying right into your direction. You succeeded to dodge it. When did we start running?

Your body was still weak and in pain. It made it almost impossible to ride properly, but you did your best to stay on back.

You collected all the power you had left together and dodged another attack of Garnok. You kinda underestimated yourself and hit [H/N]'s neck with your face full force when you bowed down to avoid Garnok's tentacle. It wasn't a really strong hit, but seemingly strong enough to hurt [H/N].

"[Y/N], be careful!" [H/N] hissed. You were taken aback by his/her bad mood, but totally understood.

"I'm sorry..." was all you could manage to get out.

[H/N] jumped over a wall of big tendrils with huge thorns. The saddle got stuck on one of the thorns and it's strap got ripped, causing it to fall off of [H/N]'s back, along with you.

Again you hit the ground face first. This time you didn't got back up, you just kept laying limply on the hard stone ground. You don't have enough power left.

A few seconds after you hit the ground, [H/N] bit your shirt/jacket/dress (whatever you're wearing) and dragged you into the cave, which was next to the tendrils. Garnok couldn't follow or reach you there.

[H/N] leaned you onto a big stone, making sure you were in a at least a bit comfortable position.

"I need to say, your body's temptation to high-five the ground with your face is really high today." [H/N] joked, attempting to cheer you up. You giggled, but kept your gaze down. That horse.

[H/N] nuzzled your face gently. Eventually you looked up at him/her.

"[H/N]..." you whispered and smiled. He/She let out a soft snort. "[H/N]... you're safe..." A tear escaped your dry, burning eyes.

[H/N] was safe after all and he/she was unhurt. At this moment, you forgot that you were in great danger, you were too happy to be with your horse again.

[H/N] gave you a confused look. "Why shouldn't I be safe deary?" He/She asked. You were about to open your mouth when the ground started to shake again.

"Save your voice beautiful, let's get you out of here" [H/N] got down and you grabbed onto his/her back. He/She got back up and lifted you onto your feet. You winced as massive pain exploded throughout your whole body.

You jumped when you heard a low laugh behind you. [H/N]'s head snapped into the direction of the sound and he/she immediatly let out an aggressive snort. You slowly turned your head to see no other than Darko. All of your hopes got shattered into dust.

"And I thought we need to bear something like a poor planned escape." Darko chuckled as he approched you. He stopped in his tracks, but was still quite far away from you. Yet it felt like he was standing right in front of you

"Now we can settle this the easy or the hard way." A devilish smirk crept it's way onto his face as he started walking into your direction again.

"[Y/N], jump" [H/N] whispered.

"I'll take your silence as the hard way" Darko said in a dark, almost threatening tone. Panic shot through your veins and without thinking you jumped and swung your leg over [H/N]'s back, ignoring the pain. As you were mid-air, [H/N] ran off in an incredible speed.

"Not so fast" Darko snarled and a fire wall build up in front of you. [H/N] ran through it with a I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. This obviously took Darko by surprise, and you too.

You gallopped out the cave and immediatly got greeted by Garnok. Not only that, some manta rays were also chasing you now. One of them flew into your way and [H/N] turned sharp left, avoiding the creature.

He/She gallopped down a steep hill, but gladly didn't fell. You still had much trouble to stay his/her back, since the saddle got ripped off. You let go of the reins and hugged his/her neck tightly as you clenched your aching feet around his/her torso.

Now Shadow Seekers decided to join the party. Every single positive feeling that was still inside you left. You'll never be able to escape. But the Shadow Seekers didn't attack you, instead they attacked... the manta rays? What? Why?

Two Shadow Seekers flew next to [H/N] and you. [H/N] picked his/her pace up to avoid the creatures, but to no avail. What are they up to? Will they attack you?

"[Y/N], watch out!" [H/N] shouted. A tentacle was about to grab you but one of the Shadow Seekers attacked it. Why are they helping us?

You were utterly confused, but you had other things to worry about. All of a sudden your whole body went numb and your vision got blurry. You felt like you could throw up and pass out at any second.

"[H/N]..." you whispered, it sounded like you were about to cry.

"[Y/N]? [Y/N] hold on!" [H/N] said, panic taking over his/her body, causing him/her to run even faster.

The Shadow Seekers were now behind you, trying to catch up to [H/N]. You rode up something that seemed like a bridge as a tentacle grabbed [H/N]'s hoove. He/She fell down and you fell off of his/her back.

You slid across the floor and fell over the edge, since you were pretty close to a curve. You only fell about three seconds, but they felt like forever.

Your fall ended in pandoric water. This weird glibby mass engulfed your whole body and you decided to admit your faith and gave in to the pain you were suffering with for far too long now.

Right before you passed out, you felt someone taking ahold of your wrist.

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