|•At last Second•|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[H/S] - home stable
italic - your thoughts
Bold - text message
(Author Note)
The weather was bad as hell, it was raining like crazy. It felt like [H/N] has been galloping through Silverglade for hours. But it were only about 5 minutes and you just exited the Hollow Woods. He/She was panting like crazy from exhaustion, still mainly from the chase in Pandoria. Your whole body was hurting unbearable. You didn't care where [H/N] was carrying you, you just focused on staying awake.

The more you thought about it the more you realized you had nowhere to go. You couldn't go back to the Druids and you couldn't go to [H/S] either, it was too far away and you'd probably pass out on the way. As much as you hate to admit it, you can't take care of yourself alone. Not in that condition.

"Hold on [Y/N], almost there!" [H/N] snorted. You didn't realize where you were until you saw the top of Ydris' tent. [H/N] jumped over the small stonewall around the meadow and you saw Ydris standing at his wagon. He saw you and had a confused look on his face. Actually, the fuck is this man doing outside when it's raining?

[H/N] stumbled and collapsed on the floor, causing you to fall off of his/her back. He/She didn't stood back up, he/she was too exhausted.

"[Y/N]!" Ydris shouted. You heard him running into your direction. He kneeled next to you and lifted you onto his lap. You lifted your gaze, but didn't succeed very much since your whole body is aching. You ended up leaning your head against Ydris' chest, closing your eyes hoping everything would end soon. "[Y/N] what happened?!" Ydris asked with shock in his voice. His grip around you tightened. You yelped in pain as the pressure of his arm on your side got more. He was even more shocked at your reaction and picked you up bridal style. "Xin, take care of [H/N] and get him/her out of the rain!" Ydris shouted as he carried you inside the wagon.

He gently laid you down on his bed. "[Y/N], what happened?" he asked in a soothing voice. "Ydris..." You whimpered. "Help..." Your voice was hoarse, weak and sounded desperate. Ydris looked at you with concern. He gently caressed your cheek, trying to comfort you.

You felt him grab the hem of your shirt. You didn't know why, but you started to panic. What is he doing? Your whole body started to shiver, a even more painful sensation. "Calm down little dove, or else I won't be able to help you." Ydris told you. You closed your eyes, trying to relax a bit.

Ydris lifted your shirt carefully up and you could her his breath hitch. "God [Y/N]..." you heard him whisper. You remained silent. You felt like someone took all of your power away from you. Ydris exhaled loudly.

He put his hands on both your sides and you winced and clenched your fists tightly as the pain shot through your body. After a while the pain slowly got more and more bearable. A sudden drowsiness started to overcome you. The pain was almost fully gone and your muscles relaxed as Ydris started caressing your cheek again. "Good night, little pedal" you heard him whisper as he kissed the tip of your nose. After that you fell asleep.

--Time Skip--

You woke up by the sound of boots hitting the ground over and over again. You opened your eyes and saw Ydris pacing up and down the room. You pushed yourself slowly up on your elbows and groaned as you did so. Your back was still hurting and every breath you took stung, but not as bad as before. This caught Ydris attention. He looked at you and smiled.

"Good morning, my sweet~" he said softly as he walked over to you. Unsure of what to say you just looked at him, still feeling dazed. "How are you feeling?" He asked, in a rather serious tone. "I'm fine I guess... my back still hurts a bit but it feels way more better than before" you responded. The words were quiet and almost inaudible, but loud enough for him to hear. "Listen [Y/N], I need you to be honest with me. What happened that you were that badly injured?" Ydris asked in a very serious and concerned voice. "Long story..." you breathed. "How long have I been asleep for...?" you whispered. Ydris sighed and took your hand in his. "3 days" He responded. "3 days?! 3 FREAKING DAYS?!" You would have yelled if your throat wouldn't be aching so much.

You stood up in shock, but a bit to fast. As you attempted to run to your phone you stumbled and fell, but gladly Ydris caught you. "Be careful little dove, otherwise you'll hurt yourself again." he exclaimed as he helped you to stand up again. "Thanks..." you mumbled. Ydris sat you back down on the bed.

He sat down next to you and rubbed your back. You leaned your head onto his shoulder. "Ydris?" you asked. "Yes ma chérie?~" "Can you leave me alone for a second..?" You really needed some time to think straight and you really needed to get changed. "Of course, my love" With that he left the room, but not before glancing back at you.

As you got dressed you noticed a very big bruise on the place where Garnok hit you. "What the f--" That's when you remembered something. You quickly got dressed and ran to your phone. Thank god Ydris charged it.

You almost got an heart attack when you noticed that the Soul Riders called you over 100 times and sent you over 500 texts. Geez, they got no chills. You opened your phone to see what Alex texted you.

Alex: [Y/N]?! Where are you?!

Alex: [Y/N]?!

Alex: God [Y/N]... please respond...

Alex: [Y/N] where are you?!

You weren't sure if you're ready to face them again. You still feel like you caused too much trouble, but you still decided to respond.

[Y/N]: Alex, don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Almost immediatly Alex replied.


Tears started to form in your eyes. You caused them way more trouble than you ever expected. You felt guilty... you felt pity for them... you felt... useless. A single tear rolled down your face and landed on your display. Then you started to type a respond.

[Y/N]: Sorry Alex, but that's none of your business.

You felt bad for that, but you think it's the best for all of them. They are better without me...

You decided to go look for Ydris. You couldn't find him anywhere, but felt too powerless to look for him, wherever he went in this short amount of time. I'll just leave a message.

You quickly wrote a message on a piece of paper and left the wagon. [H/N] whined happy to see you and cantered up to you.

"[Y/N]! I'm so glad your okay deary!" He/She exclaimed. "Yes, I am. Please, let's just head back to [H/S]... I need to clear my mind..." [H/N] nodded and so you both made your way to [H/S].

--Time Skip--

You thought really much on the ride back home. You felt much sadder than before. Why am I so useless...

You brought [H/N] into his/her stall and entered your home. That's when you got a idea you never thought you'll ever have...

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