|•Always in my Heart•|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
Bold - message
(Author Note)
All the feelings inside you were clashing against each other. You wanted to turn around and go away, yet you also wanted to run to him and hear his sweet voice, listen to his side of the story. Maybe there was an explanation for everything he did...?

You eventually decided to dismount [H/N] and slowly walked towards Ydris. Before you reached him you stopped as fear has gotten the best of you.

[H/N] gently nudged your shoulder to tell you everything was fine.

"Go on deary, nothing will happen to you"

Jokes on you [H/N], that's what I thought before I ended up in Pandoria.

Despite of that uncomfortable thought you made your way to Ydris. You stood behind him a few seconds, hoping he might notice you.

He didn't turn around nor moved a muscle. Ydris probably thought you were just a random rider or did not take notice of your presence. Perhaps the powerful rain was too loud? You couldn't quite tell.

You took all the courage you had and tapped Ydris' shoulder.

He turned around and his face lit up as he saw you. The happiness vanished into a sorrowful expression just as fast as it came.

Your eyes darted down to the ground to avoid his gaze and you awkwardly rubbed your arm.

Seriously [Y/N]? Did you come here to stare at the ground? Make a move dumbass! Jeez, sometimes I hate myself.

"You shouldn't be here, little dove" Ydris spoke. You decided to look up to meet Ydris' eyes, but he already turned his attention away from you and you only saw his back.

[H/N] pushed you a slight bit and you gave him/her the infamous 'One-More-Time-And-I'll-Kill-You' look.

You took a deep breath and walked next to Ydris, but still leaving about 7 feet space in between.

Your whole body was shivering. You blamed it on the fact that it was a 7°C summer night with rain and cold wind, not wanting to admit you were shivering because of your messed up emotions.

Ydris' gaze never left the Moorland Southbeach and yours never left the Silversong River beneath the bridge. After a few seconds of awkward silence you decided to speak.

"Why?" The question came out barely above a whisper.

Ydris didn't answer for a while as you thought he might not had heard you.

"Little dove, we shouldn't cry over spilled milk." He eventually spoke. "I'm ready to take the consequences for my acts. Even if it means to lose you, an important part of my life." He mumbled the last part very quietly that it was almost inaudible to you.

"Just answer the damn question..." you whispered. Your voice sounded as if you were about to cry and it would be wrong to say you wouldn't fight with holding the tears back.

Ydris exhaled long and loudly, preparing himself to repeat everything.

"It all started after the day we met." He murmured.

After... the day we met...?

"I came out to check on my dear Zee, but she was nowhere to be found."

You remember that day clearly. How could you forget it? You two fu-

"After a while I found out she was being kidnapped by the people you call 'Dark Riders'."

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