|•My Last Hope•|

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Your senses slowly came back and you felt... odd. Your whole body felt like it was on fire and you couldn't breathe. Moving was also impossible. You opened your eyes, but all you saw was... pink? Wait a second...

Images of your nightmare flooded your mind and realization dawned on you like a setting sun. You were in Pandoria. Imprisoned. Locked away. Far away from your friends and dreams. How did I get here...? Your head was pounding as all the memories came back into your mind.

Ydris... no he couldn't have... could he...? Tears began welling in your eyes, ready to attack but unable to go anywhere. Quiet sobs made their way through your sore and burning throat. This can't be real, this can't be happening!

You kept sobbing as your stream of thoughts broke when a new feeling took over you. You felt... incomplete. As if a part of your soul went missing. And with that part of the soul, your powers left, too.

Your quiet sobbing got interrupted by someone laughing maniacally. Out of the corner from your eye you saw two figures.

"This is the moment I wanted to achieve from the first moment, from the very beginning!" A dark voice, obviously Darko's, announced. "The 'powerful' fith Soul Rider, imprisoned in Pandoria, completely unable to change her destiny." He said the 'mighty' in a really mocking tone.

"You have what you want. Now give me back what belongs to me."

Your blood ran colder than ice. The deep voice, the french accent... the second figure was Ydris. Sorrow, fury and disgust rose up in your chest, burning in your heart like a fire that went out of control. How could he betray you?

"No." Darko bluntly said.

"Pardon?" Ydris said with shock and hatred in his voice.

"The deal is off. I said I wanted the girl and her horse."

My horse... [H/N]... where is he/she? Is he/she okay? Please tell me [H/N] is safe...

"It's not my fault you lost the horse on the way here!" Ydris spat in anger.

Lost the horse...? LOST THE HORSE?! You screamed in your mind. Please don't tell me [H/N] is... You couldn't even end the sentence in your head, the thought of [H/N] being dead hurts too much. A life without [H/N]...? Impossible to imagine.

"Maybe not, but it was part of the deal. Find and bring us the horse, or else you can say goodbye to your oh so beloved Zee" Darko threatened in a low and scary voice.

Zee? But Zee was at the circus the last time I've been there...?

"Fine..." Ydris growled. The ground started to shake violently and you saw tentacle like silhouettes coming out of the ground. You already knew to what they belong and it frightened you.

"Is this really necessary?" Ydris asked in disgust.

"Yes." At this point, Darko sounded annoyed.

"She's imprisoned in the heart of Pandoria. No one will reach her here, so I don't think a disgusting, nasty creature needs to watch over [Y/N]." Ydris insisted. Hearing him say your name feels like a punch in the face, followed by a kick in the stomach. It shatters your heart into a million pieces that Ydris has done this to you.

"I won't risk it. Now get her stupid horse and bring it to us." Darko said. You could hear someone walk away, but the shadow of one of them was still standing there, staring at the crystal you're trapped in.

You expected to hear a low and dark chuckle or an evil laugh, but instead you heard the person exhale loudly, so you assumed it was Ydris who was still there.

Can't he just leave? I'd rather be here with Darko right now than with him. Your hate towards Ydris grew from second to second, and so did the pain this realm causes you.

You were so focused on not letting out any noises that were building up in the back of your throat due to the searing pain, that you didn't notice Ydris mumbling to himself. He finally left and now it's just you, alone and forgotten, in this place of evil, guarded by a creature of hell.

So... that's it? That's my life from now on? Pain, unable to move or breathe, being... forgotten? Have the druids even noticed that I'm gone? Since when am I here?

One question after another shot through your head and with each question your heart shattered a little more into smaller pieces and the despair in you got bigger.

You went through the conversation of Darko and Ydris again.

Suddenly a small glimmer of hope has awoken inside you, like a small firefly in the darkest of night.

If Ydris needs to seek out for [H/N] and bring him/her to DarkCore, it does mean he's/she's still alive and managed to escape! Hopefully he's/she's safe...

You really hoped [H/N] would've managed to get back to Jorvik, where he's/she's safe. Even if he/she wasn't able to escape this place, you knew he/she has the capability to escape without getting caught.

I believe in [H/N]. He's/She's smart, brave, fast and so much more... I know he/she can do it. I don't care about myself, as long as he's/she's safe and doesn't get caught, I can be imprisoned here forever. I will stand this pain and I will be strong... for [H/N]'s sake.

[H/N] is the only reason you came so far. He/She has always been by your side and helped you, but yet a small part of you hoped he/she would come back and save you.

--Time Skip--
(even if it doesn't exist ;D)

It felt like you've been here forever. You got used to all the pain you were in and learned to ignore your burning lungs, since you got kinda used to it, too.

Darko would sometimes come and check if you were still there and make fun of you, the usual stuff. You didn't care that much.

One 'day' or however it's called in Pandoria, a place with no time, seasons, ect., you felt a strong pain in your arm. It was way stronger than the rest of the pain in your body. You wanted to scream, but only weak choking sounds came through.

Somewhen, Darko came back. Along with Ydris.

"You have the horse, now stick to the deal and give me my Zee back!" Ydris said with a mix of sorrow, regret and anger.

Hold on... 'You got the horse'...? Does this mean they have [H/N]...? No... No that's impossible... That's impossible!!

His reaction only got a dark chuckle from Darko as response. "I am a man who keeps his word."

I beg to differ Sicko.

You heard Darko's cane hit the ground, followed by the sound of hooves hitting a stone like ground.

"Zee!" Ydris shouted. He started to say something but stopped. Darko was gone, along with all your hopes. They have [H/N]... you'll never see him/her again... what's the point of fighting when your only reason to fight is gone...?

"We'll figure something out, girl" you heard Ydris say to Zee. He sounded broken and as if he was about to cry, but you didn't care. You felt like all the sympathy you had for this man has washed away.

It's been a while since Zee and Ydris left and all of a sudden Garnok, who was still watching over you, went crazy. It's tentacles were crashing down everywhere all around you and you were afraid it might kill you in it's rage towards... whatever Garnok's freaking out about.

But there was also another feeling overcoming you...

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