chapter four

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"eleanor! what the hell happened?" wade cried out as peter kicked open the door and carried ellie through.

"she's fine. she saved a kid's life today," peter grunted as he gently set ellie on the couch. he put a pillow under her head and moved the small wisps of curly, thick hair out of her face. he looked back up at wade before standing up straight as wade made his way over the girl and grabbing her warm hand. "at the fair. the green goblin - he's after her, i almost ran out of time. i'm sorry, wade, i - " he didn't realize how quickly the words began rushing out of his mouth.

"hey, slow down," wade said, letting go of ellie's hand. he turned to the boy grabbed the his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down, which was definitely something new to him. peter's eyes were frantic, his breathing was rapid. he only slowed when wade continued comforting him. "start from the beginning."

peter took a deep breath and nodded.


eleanor shifted in her sleep. peter sighed yet again. it seemed like ever since he got ellie home, he's only been sighing. wade had left about an hour ago after taking ellie to her room. he left, barely saying a word, but peter knew where he was going. he was going to try to find the green goblin. peter told him it was no use, he didn't know any information on him. but wade didn't care. he had already lost his daughter once. he was not going to lose her again. it didn't matter if she would wake up, he never wanted to witness his daughter's death again.

peter was devastated. he couldn't bare to see his girlfriend hurt, not ever. he let her rest up, laying in bed and getting her rest. he sat in the white chair beside her bed for what felt like an eternity, his chin in his hands, leg bouncing. she looked so peaceful, almost as if she was -

no. she was fine. her eyes were moving under her lids and her chest lifted up and down. she was sleeping. she was dreaming. she moved around some more before her eyes slowly began to blink open. a small groan left her lips as she looked around for a moment before her golden brown eyes landed on peter's.

"hey," her voice was hoarse and raspy.

peter smiled and took ellie's hand. he grabbed the glass cup of water on the dresser beside the bed. "hey. you feelin' okay? you need anything?"

ellie shifted up in her bed and brought a hand up to rub her face. peter watched as the skin on her face slowly became an irritated red from her hands but quickly went back to it's natural color. peter offered ellie the water which she gently took from his hands. she took a small sip. "i'm fine."

peter nodded stood, opening ellie's door and yelling for wade.

ellie protested, but it was too late. "peter, no, no - "

wade came rushing in to see his daughter flustered and upset. she wanted some alone time with peter before her father ultimately grounded her for life.

"ellie!" wade screamed rushing to his daughter's side.

"dad, i'm fine. peter saved me." ellie said quickly as the memories starting coming back. she couldn't help but smile at her father's persistence. wade grabbed ellie's smaller hand in his scarred one, which took him by surprise once again - it didn't scare ellie anymore. his disfigured, burned body didn't scare her. wade couldn't be happier about the fact that he could fully be himself around her, and she could be herself around him.

eleanor ◇ peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now