chapter fifteen

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homecoming, at this point, was a week away. midtown tech had turned into a nothing but one big promotion for the dance. banners and posters were on every wall, the organizers were handing out papers with everything you need to know on it. it didn't surprise peter that by the end of the day he had about 8 papers with the dance details.

bobbi handed peter one on his way to his fourth period. peter looked down at it before glancing back up at bobbi. she had a smirk on her face and she winked at him. 

peter looked down at the paper. this was the first time peter had actually taken the time to look at it. it was beautifully done. elegant words were on the page, displaying the theme of the dance. under the words was the phrase: "take the person you want to spend forever with!"

peter almost scoffed. they were in high school. how did they know who they wanted to spend forever with yet? the oldest ones at that school were only eighteen. the youngest were fourteen. 

but peter stopped for a second. was ellie someone that peter wanted to spend forever with? peter sighed. he just made fun of people like this — the ones who thought they knew who they wanted to be with for the rest of their lives. now... peter was pretty sure he was that exact person.

peter asked ellie late that night while ellie was typing a paper for her english class. she sat at her desk, her fingers flying non-stop over the keys. peter had entered the house earlier that night with a book in his hands. he could tell that she didn't even process the fact that he was there since she only kept typing. he chuckled when she didn't turn from her place in the seat to greet him or even glance his way.

"ellie?" peter mumbled quietly, the growing brown hair falling slightly in his face. he gently moved it away from his eyes and sighed when it fell right back. he needed a haircut desperately. ellie still didn't budge, besides the moving of her fingers. the soft tapping of the keys was the only noise in the room. 

peter stepped closer to ellie, trying not to frighten her. he set his hands on her shoulders, expecting ellie to snap out of her typing trance. she didn't though. peter softly put his chin on the top of her head, skimming over what she had so far. she had about 5 pages now, and it looked like she was nowhere close to being done any time soon.

"hey," peter said softly, his chin still on her head. "i'm gonna take you to homecoming, is that alright?" peter asked, kissing ellie's cheek. 

"mhm," ellie nodded shortly. peter smiled and kissed ellie's cheek again. he noticed that she had switched from contacts to glasses, like she normally did when she got home from school. peter sat on her bed, stomach first. he opened the book and began reading for a few minutes. every once in a while, he'd glance up at ellie with a soft smile. then he'd go back to his book. 

it was like this for fifteen minutes.

the room suddenly went completely quiet when ellie stopped typing. peter glanced up at his girlfriend, gently closing his book.

"wait, what?!" she yelled out, standing up from her chair. peter stood up too, facing ellie. her black framed glasses slipped down her nose but she quickly pushed them back up and took another step to peter, a hopeful look in her eyes.

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