Suitcase Dilemmas

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Alex's Snapchat ^

Alex POV

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair looking around my room. I had spent the last three days trying to stuff as many clothes as possible into 3 suitcases. It wasn't that hard. No nevermind. It was definitely hard. Shit, I have to close them now.

"JAAAAAKE!" I yelled down the stairs.

"WHAT?!" he yelled back.


"Jeez, no need to yell. I'm right here," Jake said leaning against my door frame.

"Well you weren't there a second ago," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Looks like your lazy-ass finally finished packing," he stated, making his way to my bed.

"Tell me about it," I sighed for the bagillionth time, plopping onto my bed.

"Let's see what we can do to with these babies," Jake said moving over to my black suitcase.

I groaned getting off the bed and kneeling on the hardwood floor. We both grabbed the edges of the suitcase and tried to smush it closed. I smiled as the zipper began to close. That happiness was short lived because it suddenly got stuck.

"Stupid suitcase," I muttered kicking it.

Jake laughed as I sat on the floor and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry about it. Blake and I will take care of it," Jake said getting up.

"THANK YOU," I said hugging his legs as he stood up.

I took out my phone and opened Snapchat as he and Blake attempted to close my suitcase.

"Wow, we do the hard work while you laugh at us. I see how it is," Blake said getting off the floor.

"You know I love you," I cooed wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo," Jake mumbled messing up my hair.

"Ahem, you mean we are gonna miss you," Blake corrected.

"Yeah, yeah. Potato, Tomato," he said waving his hand.

Blake and I shared a look.

"You mean potato- you know what nevermind," I said shaking my head.

Man, I'm gonna really miss these guys I thought as I carried my luggage down the stairs.

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There we go! The first chapter in this book. Tell me what you think in the comments!

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