The Showdown

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Third Person POV

"YOUR GOING DOWN!" Mario shouted, jumping onto Alex's back. She let out a grunt but held on, giving him a piggyback ride. 

"IN HISTORY!" she shot back, dropping him on the couch. Alex had agreed to play against Dortmund in a match for charity. Now she was doubting if it was a good idea seeing that she hadn't played in over 6 months. And the rowdiness of the boys was beginning to concern her. 

"You better calm down or else I wont do this," she warned. 

"Why are you scared?" Roman asked, smirking. Alex rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile a little. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Alex didn't really know how the whole thing was going to play out. She didn't know if it would be her vs the rest of the boys, or if the team would be split and she would join one. She heard the chants of fans as she entered the Westfalenstadion. Excitement coursed through her body as she got ready for the game. The press shouted questions at her but she simply smiled and waved. Alex had already changed since the stadium didn't have a separate locker room. The boy's would've occupied it. 

"Okay, we're going to pull paper slips to see who's on what team," Lucien said. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. He brought out a box with paper in it and took one out. He listed out names including Marc, Alex, and Mario which became team A. Team B consisted of players including Marco, Auba, and Roman. 

"Good luck," Marc said, wiggling his eyebrows at Marco who rolled his eyes. 

"You'll need it," Alex smirked, remembering what he had said before her first game with BVB. 

   The referee blew the whistle signalling the start of the game. The fans cheered even louder as Auba started with the ball. For the first 30 minutes, Alex's team let Team B have control before deciding it was their turn. Marc dribbled the ball near the sideline. Alex slid into his legs for a challenge, successfully taking the ball from his possession. Marc groaned exasperatedly, earning a smirk from Alex. She dribbled the ball near the other teams goal. Glancing up, she passed to Mario before moving ahead so she had a better shot. Mario passed back to her and she shot the ball straight towards the back of the net. Roman saw her shot coming and knocked it off course. 

"Dammit," Alex muttered, looking at the sky with her hands behind her neck. The ball was back in the possession of Team B, but this time, Marco had it. He got past 2 defenders before coming face to face with Alex. The crowd began to choose sides, chanting one or the other's name. Marco started off simple. He tried to fake her and when that didn't work, he tried to get around her. She knew him too well and intercepted the ball. She shot it to Marc who pushed it forward up the field to Mario. Marco knew he had to do something or else Alex would score. He sprinted to the goal box. The two found themselves in the same position they had been in just moments before. Alex attempted to fake Marco just like he had. Marco tried to jut his foot inbetween her's and push the ball away. But Alex had other plans. She held the ball in her feet and tossed it over her shoulder, surprising Marco and all of Signal Iduna. Alex had been hesitant to try the trick not because she couldn't do it. But because she had copied it from none other than Neymar. She was in a fix so ended up using it anyway. Now with a clear path, she dribbled the ball into the goal box and swung her leg hard, slamming the ball into the net. She ran around the side of the field, jumping on Mario's back. He gave her a short piggy back ride before setting her down. High-fiving Marc, she fixed her ponytail. A few minutes later, the referee blew his whistle for halftime. 

"How's it going?" Alex asked, leaning her elbow on Marco's shoulder with a smirk. He shook his head, rolling his eyes as he entered the tunnel. 

"Just great."

"Don't worry, still got another 45 left."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

"Aquí!" Alex called to Marc who immediately passed to her. She distracted the defense of Team B while Mario and Marc got closer to the goal box. She pushed the ball forward and went around Auba who stuck his foot out making Alex fall. The referee blew his whistle and gave her a penalty shot. She set the ball down while the Marco and Auba took their places in the wall. She kicked the ball, sending it sailing over their heads and bouncing off the top post. Mario was there to head the rebound. It bounced past Roman's outstretched arms and into the goal. 

"YESSS!" Mario cheered, doing his goal celebration in front of the fans who had been chanting Alex's name. 

Team B had the ball now as Marc tried to get a hold of it. Auba passed the ball to Marco, creating the perfect cross. Marco touched the ball with the tip of his cleats, pushing it just enough to get it on the inside of the goal post. He pointed to Auba, running to him and slapping his hands in a high-five. After 2 minutes of added time, the game finished, ending in 2-1 with Alex winning. The team regrouped as a whole on the field, congratulating each other. 

"So, how did I do?" Alex asked the boys in the locker room. 

"Awesome!" Mario exclaimed. 

"Yeah that trick was pretty cool," Auba nodded and the other's agreed. 

"That was so unexpected. I had to stop for a second to recollect myself," Marco laughed, draping his arm over her shoulder. 

"Guess who's takin' us out for dinner???" Lucien sang, coming into the room. Everyone cheered hearing the news thinking he was talking about himself. 

"Wait it's not me," he said, holding his hands up. 

"Then who?" Alex asked confused. 

"The losing team of course. They made a bet with me. Specifically Marco and Auba," he said. 

"What?" Alex's team exclaimed. She turned to look at Marco who smiled sheepishly. 

"I thought we we're going to win because you would be on our team," Auba admitted. 

"Well, I don't know about you guys. But i'm starving," Alex complained making everyone laugh. 

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