The Scrunchie

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Alex's POV

"Yup. Wait why are you wearing such a big scrunchie?" she asked. I froze not knowing what to say. 

"Umm, so I can use it to tie my hair."

"But you already have it tied," Auba pointed out.

"Yeah but it's a scruncie. It's different."

"No, you tied your hair with a scrunchie already," Hanna stated, pointing to my head. Dammit Alex. Did you seriously use another scrunchie instead of a regular hair tie? I scolded myself.

"OK whatever, enough about the scrunchie," Lucien interrupted. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. That was close. I said bye and left into the tunnel. I found the medic's room and knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal the team doctor. 

"Hello Alex. What brings you here?" he asked, letting me in. I walked in, oblivious to the fact that someone had seen me go in. I explained to him what had happened but left out the part that Brittany had pushed me. He asked me to move my wrist around and then took an x-ray. 

"Well, unfortunately it seems that you've broken your radius bone."

"Is it bad?"

"No but you will need to wear a cast and restrict movement and use of your right hand."

The doctor gave me a black cast that was so tight, it felt like I had lost blood circulation. I thanked him and left the room. As I rounded the corner, I bumped into someone. 

"Oh sor- Marco?"
"Why were you in the Medic's office?"
"Uh, I had to give him something."
"Yeah right. Stop lying and tell me what happened."
"You don't need to know," I replied coldly, pushing him out of my way.
"Of course I need to know. I'm your boyfriend."

"Fine you really want to know? I fell yesterday and it hurt so I decided to get it checked." I burst out. He seemed a little relieved and nodded. 

"Oh okay."

"That's it? Oh okay?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Well yeah. What else do you want me to say? It's just a sprain."

I let out a humorless laugh shaking my head. Was he seriously asking that?

"Nothing," I sighed, turning away. 

"Wait, no seriously. Why are you being so dramatic?"
"I'm not being dramatic," I said. With that, I turned and speed walked out the door. 

Was I really being over dramatic? I mean I just broke my wrist. He's right. I shouldn't make such a big deal out of it. It could've been worse. At least I didn't break my leg. I thought to myself as I walked back up the trail. 

- - - - - - - - - - -

The next day

Marco's POV

"Marco, finish those last few reps and go see Dr. Martin," Lucien said. "He wants to talk to you."

I quickly finished training and grabbed a bottle of water. Dr. Martin waved me over from the side of the pitch as he saw me finish. I greeted him and he asked me how I was doing and I did the same. 

"I tried to get Alex down here but I didn't want to bother her. She's a busy girl," he began. I nodded in agreement. She seemed to have more work this week than usual. 

"So since you're here, I'll give it to you. This is pain relief ointment and Advil for her wrist. Make sure she uses it everyday or at least when it hurts." 

"Okay anything else?"
"Oh yes, make sure she gets rest. It's bad to use a broken wrist," he said. My eyes widened. Did I hear him right? A broken wrist?

"Broken wrist?" I repeated, staring at him. 

"Yes, she didn't tell you?"

"Uh no, she did. It just uh, sounds weird out loud," I said hurriedly. Dr. Martin nodded, looking at me suspiciously. 

I quickly took a shower and hurriedly changed into fresh clothes. 

"Woah, what's the rush Rolls Royce?" Mario asked after I nearly crashed into him. 

"I have to talk to Alex," I replied, not waiting for his answer. I rushed out of the stadium and ran the trail to the living quarters. I knocked on Alex's door but she didn't open it. I knocked again and waited but still got no response. Thankfully, I remembered her door code and unlocked it. I pushed the door open slowly. The room was dark and the afternoon sun seeped in from under the curtains. Alex was curled up in a ball on the bed. I crawled onto the bed beside her. She must've felt the bed dip because she turned and snuggled up to my chest. I rested my chin on her head. 

"What are you doing here?" she mumbled, still half asleep. 

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, stroking her hair. 

"About what?"

"I said you were overreacting. I'm really sorry."

She was quiet for a few seconds. I felt really bad because I was jumping to conclusions again. She had been in pain but I was oblivious to it. 

"It's okay Marco."
"No it's not. You we're in pain and I didn't help you. I just made it worse."

"You didn't make it worse. Sure it was frustrating but that's alright. We all make mistakes," she said, smiling up at me. Our legs were tangled together and her arms were around my neck. Her lips hovered over mine for a moment. Then, she tenderly placed them on mine for a split second before pulling away. I groaned and pouted at her. I hated it when she teased me. She laughed before giving me another real kiss. 

"Does it hurt?" I asked, running the tips of my fingers over her cast. 

"Not anymore."

We laid there in a comfortable silence on the bed, enjoying each others company. After an hour I felt hungry. I was about to ask if Alex wanted to eat but she was fast asleep. I figured she would have trouble sleeping at night so I decided to wake her up. 

"Alex, wake up."

She mumbled something under her breath and turned away from me. 

"Come on. I'm hungryyyyy,"  I whined. 

"Shut up. Go get yourself food."

"Get up or I'll put my cold feet on you," I warned. She didn't make a move to get up so I did just that. She let out a yelp and moved her legs away from mine. I did it again and this time she moved too far. She fell off the bed and landed on the ground with a thud. I was laughing so hard that it was getting hard to breathe. Alex pulled herself up and glared at me. I was afraid she was actually mad but then she cracked a smile at me. 

"I love your bed hair," she said with a smirk. 

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OMG so close to 1k reads! Y'all better share this with your friends and get this story to 1k quick. There's about 10 chapters till the end but don't worry I've already started on a new book. But I don't really know who I should make a new book about cuz NoBoDy CoMmEnTs oN mY StOrY! *sigh*. Aside from that, sorry for the late and trashy update. I just got back to France from guess where. PORTUGAL! It was absolutely amazing there. Lisbon was my favorite city but I also went to Porto, Braga, and Lagos. Anyway, thanks for reading. 

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