Party Time

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one month later

Alex POV

Today is Lucien's 60th birthday. The boys have been thinking of having a party for the past month. It's going to be a surprise.They're so excited it's kinda cute. 

"So boys. What's the plan?" I ask entering the locker room.

"Shh! He'll hear you! You'll ruin the surprise!" Mario hisses. 

I roll my eyes before replying, "I'm not that stupid. I asked him to refill the balls with air."

"Okay good," he says, relieved. Boys.

"I think we should have it in the banquet hall," Marc suggests.

"Okay, that's a good idea," I nod. I pull myself up and sit on the table in the middle of the locker room. "Who do you want to invite?"

"His family and us," Marco tells me.

"And your families?" I ask.

"Duh," he replies.

"Okay jeez, I was just making sure," I say messing his hair up. He swats my hand away, sending me a dirty look. 

"What a princess," I mock. 

"Excuse me?!" he gasps, putting his hand over his heart. 

"See? Princess," I state. 

"She's right. You are a princess," Lucien says, entering the locker room. 

"I hate you guys," Marco mumbles. 

"But you love me," I say wrapping my arms around his torso. 

"Sadly, I do," he replies. 

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"You have to," Hanna insists.

"No I don't and I'm not going to," I shoot back, crossing my arms. Allow me to explain. Hanna wants me to wear a dress to the party. The thing is, I hate wearing dresses. I haven't worn one since I was like 9. 

"Fine. Marcoooo!" she yells. 

"What?" he asks, popping his head into my room. 

"Tell Alex she has to wear a dress," Hanna demands. 

" I would love to see her wear a dress, but I can't make her. She doesn't feel comfortable," he says. 

"Thank you," I smile, giving him a kiss. 

"I hate you both," Hanna grumbles.

"We love you!" I coo.
 "And this little one," I say looking at her stomach, that was now showing a small bump. She was now almost 4 months pregnant.

"Now shoo," I say shoving Marco out the door. We start to get ready. (pic above) I choose a white cami top and blue jeans. Simple but chic. Hanna chooses a really cute denim dress. She curls her hair and does her makeup. I put do a little eye makeup and a little lipstick. 

"Do you wanna use the curler?" Hanna asks. 

"Nah, I think I'll leave it like this. It's already kinda wavy," I reply.

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"Alex! Where are my keys?!" Marco yells from his room.

"How am I supposed to know?" I respond, throwing my pillows around trying to find my phone.

"Have you seen my phone?" I ask.

"How am I supposed to know?" he mocks. I glare at him. I let out a laugh as I watch him struggle to put his tie on. 

"You need a little help?" I laugh. 

"Yes please!" he replies gratefully. I carefully knot his tie in a fancy design, cuz you know. Why not? 

"There all done," I say patting his chest. I turn around to continue looking for my phone, but he grabs me by my waist making me crash into his chest. He gives me a kiss before releasing me. 

"You look amazing," he says before heading out the door. This boi. Finally finding my phone, I rush down the stairs. 

"I'm going!" I shout."See you guys at the banquet! And be on time!" 

"Bye!" the boys shout back. I get into my car and drive to pick up Lucien from a meeting. The plan is that I pick him up and take him to the party where the boys will be waiting. 

"Hallo!" I chirp, as Lucien gets in the car.

"Hallo, Liebling," he responds.

"I have to go pick up something, is that okay?" I ask

"That's fine," he answers. So far so good. I head onto the highway towards the banquet hall. After driving for 15 minutes, I pull into the parking lot. 

"Come with me," I say, getting out of the car.

"What for?" Lucien questions, confused. I pretend I didn't hear him and go into the building. I text Marco telling him that we're about to enter. I hold the door open for Lucien. 

"Surprise!" everyone shouts. Lucien stands there shocked as the lights turn on. 

"Oh my god, you could've given me a heart attack!" he exclaims.

"Let's get this party started!" Mario shouts. 

After greeting a few people and checking on Hanna I look around for Marco. Seeing his blond head at a table, I make my way over to him. 

"Hey," I greet, giving Marco a kiss on his cheek.

"Hi," he replies.  "I want you to meet, Robert Lewandoski."

"It's nice to meet you," I say shaking hands with him. 

"I'm Thomas,"  Thomas Müller, says shaking hands with me as well. 

"We've heard a lot about you from Marco," he tells me. 

"I've heard about you from Marco as well," I grin. 

"Oh so you've been talking about me, eh?" he smirks, nudging Marco. 

"Don't flatter yourself," Marco says. We laugh and continue our conversation. 

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Suuuup y'alllll, it's meeeee. Okay I'm like high on sugar rn. I had 3 cookies and a chocolate cupcake but it's aaaall gooood. Spain vs. USA today, kinda tense but we managed to pull through. Sweden beat Canada, 1-0. Brazil vs. France yesterday was soooo crazy. Legit, I was so anxious. The ref was screwing with the goal counts and VAR was either helpful or made things worse, your opinion. Neymar might be transferring back to Barcelona! I would be soooo happy if that happened. Or if Bartra came back. *Sigh.* Aaanywaaay, hope you liked this chappi ;). Also, I'm thinking of writing a new book with either Ney or Antoine. 

and ofc, comment, vote, & share!


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