Girl Probs

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Alex's POV

"Kylie it's not that big of a deal," I sighed, straightening  out my bed sheets. 

"Not a big deal?!" she shreiked. "You've been dating for two months!"

"Yeah so?"

"SO?! You didn't think it was important to tell me?"

"Kylie I'm sorry I was just real-"

"Really busy. I get it," she cut me off. 

"I'm serious. I was going to tell you."

"Sure seemed like it. You never call to ask how I'm doing. I get that you're busy but at least put in some effort. You know what, it feels like you don't need me anymore. Yeah don't think I haven't seen the pictures. You've completely replaced me with that Hanna girl."

"Kylie stop. You know that's not true."

"Don't bother," she interrupted.

"I would never do that." I stated, shocked that my best friend would think that. 

"Hello? Kylie?" 

She hung up on me.

"Fucking hell," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. What do I do?  Did I really replace her? I call her once a month at least. Why is she making such a big deal out of it? I sat on m ybed trying to figure out what had gone wrong. 

"Hey," Marco greeted, coming into the suite. 

"Hi," I smiled, sitting up. 

"Where were you? The boy's were hoping you would come down to the pitch."

"The boys or you?" I teased, raising my eyebrows at him. 

"Mmmm the boys," he replied, smirking. 

"Sure. I had to finish some paperwork and I got caught up talking to Kylie."

"Oh okay."

"Don't worry I'll come tomorrow"

"Sounds good," he agreed, flopping onto the bed. We laid there, talking about various upcoming games and players. After a while a comfortable silence fell over us and we just layed there, glad to be able to relax after a week of hustle and bustle. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked suddenly, turning my body to face him. 

"Sure," he replied, mirroring my actions. 

"I talked to Kylie today," I began. "She's mad at me."

"For what?" he asked confused. 

"I didn't tell her about us," I sighed. Marco seemed to think about what I said. 

"She thinks I don't want to be her friend anymore and that I replaced her. She feels like I don't talk to her anymore and I'm trying to avoid her."

"But you talk to her every month." Marco pointed out. 

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, sitting up again. 

"How about you try and talk to her again. Maybe she'll calm down by tomorrow," he suggested. 

"What if she doesn't want to?"

"You know her best. Does she usually want to be left alone after an argument?"
I nodded. She usually needs time to cool off and get back in the right mindset.

"Then wait for her to call and if she doesn't after.... 3 days, you call her."

"That's a good idea, thank you Marco," I smiled, kissing his cheek. He glared at me as I ruffled his hair. 

"You're lucky I love you," he muttered. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Okay, so. There's a whole lotta stuff going on. One, BVB might lose the Bundesliga title. But there's still hope. They're, I think, 2 points behind Bayern. So I hope they can snag that title. Two, Manchester City won Premier League and they didn't follow in Sergio Ramos' footsteps and drop the trophy again😂. Three, there's rumors that Neymar might transfer but not just anywhere. Back to Spain. But not Barcelona. FREAKIN REAL MADRID. Sorry if anyone's a Madrista but I mean you gotta admit it doesn't make sense. How could a Barça player transfer to Madrid. It just doesn't make sense. But those are just rumors of course. Anyway, sorry for the late post I ran out of ideas. Oooops. 



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