Do it. I dare you.

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Alex's POV

Time skip: 2 weeks later

"Good Morning," I chirp to Marco, getting my plate and utensils. 

"Morning," he mumbled, not looking at me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. He ignores me and walks away. I follow him confused.


"What do you want?," he asks raising his voice. I furrow my eyebrows and stare at him. 

"You know what nevermind. Don't talk to me like that," I snap walking away.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------

At training

I sat on the seats scrolling through my phone when a ball came flying at me. I quickly put up my hands and grabbed the ball before it could hit me. I looked up to see who through the ball at me. 

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yell angrily at Marco, making everyone look at us.  

"Sorry," he says nonchalantly. 

"Look, I don't know what crawled up your ass, but stop ruining other peoples mood," I hiss, shoving the ball in his chest. He stumbled back a bit. 

"Play me," he says suddenly. 

"Excuse me?" I ask. 

"Come on, you vs. me," Marco says smirking.  He rolls the ball to me. 

"Marco, that's enough," Lucien says sternly.

"Why?"  he asks in a mocking tone. "It's not like you can't play."

"Oh, maybe it's because you've been hiding something from us?" Marco asks me. He's taunting me. I could feel anger bubbling in me. 

"Stop it Marco," I hissed.

"Marco what are you talking about?" Auba asks.

"Should I tell them? I'm sure Alex wouldn't mind." he questions, with fake concern.

"Do it. I dare you," I growl. 


Marco's POV


These past few weeks with Alex have been amazing. She brings the happiness out of everyone. She's always laughing and smiling. It's impossible to be sad around her. What I don't understand, is why Coach Favre asked her to come here. It can't just be because she's a doctor. I decide to do some research. Taking my laptop, I type her name into Google. 

Alex Martinez

American Singer and Actress

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 131 lbs

Nickname: Alex, Lexi Baby

Alexandria Marie Martinez 

American Singer and Soccer Player

Height: 5'9"

Current Teams: United States women's national soccer team (#13/Forward)

What? That can't be I thought. She would have told us that. Why would she lie? 

I searched up Alex Martinez Soccer and scrolled through the searches that came up. 

Alex Martinez to play for USWNT in coming world cup

USWNT's #13 ranked in top 5 by FIFA

The Messi of Womens Football Heads to Germany

*End of flashback

"Do it. I dare you," she growls. 

My brain wasn't working. All I felt was hurt. I was hurt that she didn't tell me. 

"Alex isn't just here because she's a doctor. She's here because she, just like us, plays football," I announce.

Everyone gasps and stares at Alex. But she just glares at me with anger in her eyes.

"Marco! You are suspended for the next three games!" Lucien yells.

I gasp in shock and stare at him. 

"You can't do that!" I say, coming to my senses. He doesn't say anything and angrily walks off the pitch. Alex follows him, shoving my shoulder roughly. 

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