Dinner Time

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Just a random pic ^

Marco's POV

Lucien decided that we would go for dinner tonight with our families. Everyone's already here and now we're leaving for the restaurant. Alex wasn't going to come because she said had work to finish but I begged her to come. So did Hanna, which won her over.

"Are you ready?" I asked, popping my head into Alex's room.

"Yeah. Let me just grab my phone," she answered."Where are we going?"

"Some Italian place."

"Yum. I love Italian"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Marco! Alex! Hurry up!" Auba yells.

"Coming!" we respond simultaneously. I watch as she pulls the door closed and hurries down the stairs.

"You coming? Or are you gonna keep staring at me?" she asks smirking.

"Ha. You wish," I reply rolling my eyes.

We drive 20 minutes to the restaurant. In the rain. Great.

"Marco do you have the umbrella?" Alex asks.

"No. I thought you did." I respond.

"Ughhh. Let's make a run for it," she says looking at me.

"One. Two. Three. Go!" I yell pushing my door open. We run from the car as fast as possible under the overhang.

"And you had to park so far," Alex says, smoothing her hair out. She looks up and me and lets out a laugh.

"You're all wet," she tells me. She reaches up and pats my hair down trying to get rid of the water. Moving her hands down, she wipes the water droplets off of the shoulders of my suit. My eyes are glued to her face. I can't look away.

"What? Is my hair messed up?" she asks in confusion.

"No. You're fine. Come on lets go," I say grabbing her hand and pulling her into the restaurant. She lets out a yelp from me yanking on her arm, nearly causing her to fall. I wouldn't be able to tell her why I was staring at her. Because I don't know myself.

"You're right on time," Auba says sarcastically, as we enter the restaurant.

"Sorry we got stuck in the rain and traffic," I explain, pulling a chair out for Alex. .

"Thanks," she says sitting down. I take a seat across from her, in between my mom and sister.

"Are you sure it was just the rain and traffic?" Hanna whispers to me.

"Ew! You're nasty," I whisper-yell, realizing what she meant after a few seconds.

"Just sayin," she replies, shrugging her shoulders.

Suddenly, I hear a squeal. "Oh my gosh, aren't you a cutie!"

I look up to see Alex holding Auba's son, Curtys, up in the air. He laughs and reaches to touch her face.

"How old is he?" she asks setting him on the ground.

"He's almost 5," Auba tells her. (A/N Idk how old he is so just go with it ;)

"Salut!" Curtys giggles, clapping his hands.

"Salut, mon chérie!" she coos.

"Comment t'appelés tu?" he asks in jumbled french. What is your name?

"Je m'appele Alex," she replies. My name is Alex.

"She's great with kids," my mother whispers, raising her eyebrows at me.

"I know," I reply, gazing at her with a smile on my face.

"I think she's the one for you," she says suddenly, making me look at her in shock.

"What?" I blurt.

"You heard me," she says turning her attention back to Alex, who was now talking to Auba's wife.

"We're just friends, mama," I sigh.

"Puh-lease," Hanna interrupts. "Everyone knows you have a thing for her," she states, shoving a forkful of pasta into her mouth. I look at her with a disgusted look on my face.

"What? It's true. And this pasta is amazing so don't give me that look," she says. I shake my head, and focus on finishing my food. I have a weird family.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After dinner

"Ahem," Lucien clears his throat.

"I just wanted to make a quick announcement," he begins.

"I want to thank Alex, for joining us today. She is a new addition to out team. She has been amazing so far, helping the team with training and strategies. You all must know how hard it is to put up with all these dummkopfs," he says. Everyone laughs and cheers.

"Thank you," she says. With that, everyone began to file out of the restaurant. I head over to the car and wait for Alex to finish saying her goodbyes.

"Bye Curtys!" she yells blowing a kiss to him.

"NO! REVIENS!" he yells reaching his little arms out. Come back. 

"Bébé, tu verras son retour à la maison," Auba says, putting Curtys into the car. You will see her at home.

Alex laughs and jogs over to my car.

"He's so adorable," she sighs.

"I know right," I say starting the car and heading home.

"I know right," I say starting the car and heading home

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alexmartinez night out with the gals 😉. (Ignore Marco in the back ;)



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Hey y'all! Just a note that I will be back in the States for the rest of the month so I will have more time to update. There might be some double updates throughout the week so be ready 😊.

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