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alexmartinez my baby 😍

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alexmartinez my baby 😍

@username asksdfjk so cuuuute!

@KylieRimms We have a lot to catch up on Martinez 🤨

@username oh shnap

@marcinho11 EWW! I look like a chipmunk!

@username 😂

@aubameyang97 Finally he realizes 🙄 @marcinho11

alexmartinez IKR! took ya long enough @marcinho11 @aubameyang97

alexmartinez  IKR! took ya long enough @marcinho11 @aubameyang97

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marcinho11 You're so beautiful ❤

@alexmartinez only for you bb 😉

@HannaR Why is she so prettyyyy

@ username wtf so true @HannaR

Unknown POV

Marco Reus. My target. Actually no. Scratch that. Marco Reus and his pathetic girlfriend. She needs to go. He's mine. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure that's how it is. Step one: get close to him. Done. I watch him enter the locker room in search of the spare footballs. Quickly scanning the empty hallway, I run into the bathroom on the other side of the hall. I wait for him to grab the footballs and come out. As soon as he shuts the door, I rush out of the bathroom with my head down. I force fake tears out of my eyes. I "accidentally" crash into his chest making me stumble and him drop the footballs.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," I gasp, looking up at him.

"It's alright," he says picking up the stray footballs. He's about to walk away when he notices the tears on my face.

"Are you okay," he asks, concerned. I don't reply and burst into another shower of false tears.

"Hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" he asks coming closer. I shake my head, wiping my tears.

"It's nothing. I'm just having a bad day," I tell him, giving him a small smile. He looks unsure but nods.

"Are you a new staff member?" he questions. I nod, covering my face shyly with my hair.

He gives me a smile before saying, "Why don't I introduce you to the team?"

Wow. This was easier than I thought it would be. I expected that he would just ask if I was okay and leave. Not offer to show me around. I follow him out onto the field. My plan is working better than I thought.

"Guy's, this is one of our new staff members," he announces. They all turn to look at me and I wave a little. I scan the area before my eyes land on that nightmare. Alex Martinez. She's standing with a shorter blonde girl.

"How come I haven't seen you before?" one of the assistant coaches asks. My eyes widen. I didn't think that part through.

"Well, she's new here," Marco answers, saving me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alex's eyebrows furrow. Uh oh.

The coach nods before commanding, "Five minutes of passing and then you can leave."

The boys quickly return to working on their passes. An idea pops into my head. I make my way over to Alex who's watching the boys practice.

"Which one's yours?" I ask, knowing the answer very well.

She raises her eyebrows before answering, "Marco."

"Oh the hot blonde one," I smirk. I see her head whip to the right to look at my face. She gives me a calculating look.

"Yeah," she says bluntly. I simply nod before heading towards the tunnel. I hear feet padding after me.

"I suggest you stay the fuck away," the blonde girl hisses.

"Can't promise anything," I smirk, walking away.

"You were great!" I gush when Marco exits the locker room.

"Thanks," he grins. "So you wanna hang out sometime?"

I look at him in surprise before replying, "Sure."

"Here, this is my number," he says handing me a piece of paper with numbers on it.

"I'll be sure to use this," I answer, giving him a wink. I spin on my heels and walk towards the exit. I lightly shove Alex's shoulder before pushing the door open and leaving.

Alex POV

"Schatz, is something bothering you?" Marco asks. He's sitting on the bed and I'm sitting on the windowsill of his room.

"Huh? No nothing, I'm just thinking," I answer.

"Is this about that girl," he asks. I shake my head, getting up from my spot and get under the cotton covers.

"I only have eyes for you. She looked like she needed a friend so I was being nice," he whispers into my neck.

"You don't have to explain. I trust you," I interrupt. He gives me a boyish grin and I peck his lips.

"Now shut up and go to sleep," I mumble, turning my back towards him. I feel him snake his arm around my waist. I smile before letting my eyes flutter closed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dun dun dun! Okay so I know this story is going super fast but I felt like it was too slow at first and now I'm not sure what to do so I'm just having random bursts of inspo. I'm writing chapters purely from 5 seconds of thinking so I apologize if it's crappy. Anway, I have a few more weeks of break left and I'm thinking of heading to either Germany, Portugal/Spain, or the Netherlands. Paris is getting hella hot. I came back from the US and it was soooo hot 😓. Not like it's gonna be significantly cooler cuz all of Europe is sweating. If you guys have any ideas on places, let me know in the comment section or private msg me.

Je t'aime,


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