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Alex POV

Today is the day. The World Cup Qualifiers. I'm not ready. My mind has been a mess ever since that day. I can't focus. For once in my life, I don't want to play football. The National Team called me up saying that Coach Jill wanted me on the starting 11. The game was against our biggest rivals. Canada.This was the game that determined if we would play in the World Cup. This being such an important game, she insisted that I play. She said the game is being held in Signal Iduna Park so I would be able to make it. The boys were already in the office part in the park with Paris Saint Germain, Juventus, and FC Barcelona for an Adidas campaign meeting. I felt even more pressure on my shoulders. Ughh. Screw Marco for making me feel so helpless.

"Alex! Time to go!" Lucien calls from the bottom of the stairs. I take a deep breath and grab my duffel bag and my pink pre-wrap.

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I don't even realize that we've reached the stadium. Lucien lets out a sigh before grabbing my hands in his.

"I know your mind is a mess right now," he starts, looking into my eyes. "But you have to forget everything and focus on what you have to do."

"How? I can't even think properly," I whisper.

"Just trust me. Close your eyes and imagine the joy you will feel when you win this match and head to the World Cup," he tells me. I close my eyes and do as he says. I feel the blood rush to my head and the adrenaline start to pump through me. I can do this. I take a deep breath and crack a smile. I'm ready.

"Good Luck, liebling," Lucien wishes, patting me on the back.

"Thank you!" I shout, running into the tunnel. I enter the locker room and it goes silent. Everyone turns to look at me in surprise.

"Alex!" Meghan yells. The whole team runs up to me and I find myself in a group hug.

After all the greetings were done, Coach Jill entered the room.

"Glad to see you could make it," she says, giving me a hug.

"You knew she was coming?!" Tobin yelps.

"I was the one who asked her to be on the starting 11," Jill admits. "Now get going. You have 3 minutes."

"Okay. We are going out there and we are going to try our best. You all know that Canada is one of our greatest rivals. We are going to play clean. No dirty or foul play. Understand?" Meghan says.

"Got it," everyone choruses.

"Good. Now let's go!" she shouts, heading out of the locker room. We get into our lines and stand at the entrance to the pitch. I glance at the Canadian team from the corner of my eye. I see Desiree Scott send me a dirty look. She hates my existence. But don't worry. The feelings mutual. Coach Jill hands me the captains band and the flag.

"You can do this. Don't let me down," she whispers, before we begin to file out.

I step onto the pitch, reaching down, touching the turf, and kissing my hand. We stand in our lines and say the pledge of allegiance. I say the familiar words to the Star Spangled Banner as they roll of my tongue. I shake hands with the players and the referees, then move forward to do the coin flip and flag exchange. Here we go.

Marco's POV

Today the team had our Adidas campaign meeting with PSG, Juventus, and FC Barcelona. Everyone was going to be there. Neymar, Mbappe, Ronaldo, and Messi. I didn't feel like going. Ever since that day with Alex, I haven't talked to anyone. I feel like I'm drowning in my misery. I feel bad but I can't bring myself to talk to her. The boys haven't tried talking to me either. They don't know exactly what happened but they know it's my fault.

"Marco are you paying attention?" Lucien calls.

"Huh? Yeah, sorry,"I say, shaking my head.

"Well, this meeting is finished. Thank you for working with our company," the man says. To be honest I hadn't heard a single thing he had said, nor did I care. My mind was on Alex.

What was she doing now?

Was she hurt?

Did she hate me?

"You okay?" Neymar asks me. "You've been zoning out the whole meeting."

"I'm fine. Just tired," I answer.

"Since we haven't really gotten to know each other, do you want to go out to eat? " Kylian asks.

Everyone agrees as Chris opens the door leading out to the office only to be met by the deafening sound of cheers and chants. He immediately closes the door in shock.

"That was loud," Leo says staring at the door in shock.

"No, duh," Neymar replies, earning a glare from Leo.

"Don't mind them," Lucien says. "There last game of women's qualifiers are happening."

"Oh yeah, what teams are playing?"Leo asks.

"Canada and United States," he asnswers. Wait. United States? Is Alex playing?

"You're welcome to watch," Lucien offers.

"That won't be necessary," I interrupt. Everyone turns to stare at me.

"Is Alex playing?" Mario asks.

"Yes," Lucien replies, looking right at me.

"Well then I'm staying,"Mario and Marc announce.

"Then we might as well," Chris says, looking around. Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Great. I'm having the best day. 

to be continued...

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GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS! Day 1 of Women's World Cup! France won the first match so yay. But to be honest, I'm rooting for USA. I know, I know, it's bad but I am part American so it should be okay. Right? 🙊

Comment who you think is going to win or which team you're rooting for.


I posted this chapter earlier but I had to repost because I noticed something. MY BOOK IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE 2019 WATTY'S!!! I know it's just eligible but I'm so surprised I had to say something, lol sorry. So PLEASE vote, comment, and share this book. Help a fellow footyholic girl out😂.


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