Training Mishaps

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Just going to add this in before. "i'm so tired" by Troye Sivan and LAUV is amaaaazing. I was listening to it while writing this chapter so make sure you go check it out. Anway, back to the chapter.
Alex POV

Today I will join the boys for training. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do but Lucien wants me there. I finished breakfast and now I'm trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep. I'm not exactly jet-lagged, but I feel more tired than usual. I hurry down and catch up with Mario and Marc on the small trail.

"Good Morning," Marc smiles.

"Good morning," I grumble.

"Aren't you full of energy today," Mario says with a laugh.

"Hey, I'm jet lagged," I defend.

"You know you've just been sitting and doing nothing," Marc says, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

"Oh, shut it Bartra," I say slapping his arm.

"Okay boys, go warm up and then jog 10 laps," Lucien says. Everyone lets out a groan and I try to stifle my laugh.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" Marco grumbles glaring at me.

"Sí, señor," I reply cheekily. He rolls his eyes shoving me lightly.

"Well, get going," I say clapping my hands, with an expectant expression on my face. Marco sticks his tongue out before running to catch up to Mario and Marc.

"Yes girl you got this," I yell at Roman, clapping my hands. "Block out those balls like they be haters"

The boys laughed and joined in mocking Roman with me. He glared at me and then gave me the finger.

- - - - - - - - - - -

It's almost 2:00 and the boys just finished training. Let's just say it wasn't that boring. Maybe that's because I was busy annoying them by making side comments. I got up off the ground and started towards Lucien. I didn't make it very far because someone picked me up and swung me over their shoulder. That someone was Marco. Of course.

"Marco! Put me down!" I yell.

"I told you to watch your back," he says. I could imagine that cocky smirk on his face.

"Nice ass," I say slapping his butt. He lurches, forward letting out a small yelp.

"Okay now you've done it," he says putting me down. I run as far away from him as possible. He grabs a water bottle and starts chasing after me.

"Don't just stand there! Help me!" I yell at the rest of the boys. They make no effort to help me. Then, Mario whispers something to the rest. They all snicker and run to grab their own water bottles. Instead of helping me they decided to help Marco. Now I have 6 professional footballers running after me.

"Fuck every single one of you," I shout, running faster.

"When and where, baby," Marco says, making all the boys snicker.

"EWWW!" I yell in shock, slowing down. Bad mistake. He immediately sees his opportunity and dumps his whole water bottle on my head. I stand there in shock as the cold water trickles down my back.

"You bitch," I whisper, narrowing my eyes at him. He just gives me an innocent smile. An idea pops into my head. I walk away from him, as if I was mad. He trails after me, just like I want him to. When he gets close enough, I spin around and lunge at him.

"No! Get off me!" he shrieks, trying to pry me off. I laugh mischievously, looking at his now wet shirt.

"There. Now we're even," I say dusting my hands.

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Guys please vote on the next few chapters because I don't know who's actually reading this. I'm pretty sure more than half the reads on this are mine. 😂 So plez halp me out and vote.

Merci, bisous! 😘


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