Anonymous Beauty

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3rd person POV

Marco did not want to be here. Surrounded by his team mates as well as other footballers. In a posh building, with rich people, with expensive tableware, and food he couldn't even pronounce. His mask was making his ear itch and his nose all sweaty. He just wanted to go home. Home to his mother. Home to Alex. But of course that was impossible. 

"Hey Marco, you want a drink?" Auba asked. 

"No, I'm good," he replied. Auba looked at him for a second before nodding. He walked away and Marco returned to watching people socialize. 

"Hey handsome," he heard a voice purr. He turned around to see none other than Brittany. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked trying to keep the anger out of his voice. He looks at her outfit. She was wearing a hot pink body-con dress with a deep neck plunge and a matching lace mask. Ew. Brittany must've thought it looked eye-catching but to Marco, it looked childish. It almost made him want to throw up.  He spotted Kylian talking with Lucien and immediately made his way over to them. He had to get away from that witch

Meanwhile, Alex was in the bathroom making sure her final look was complete. She adjusted her black mask on her face, making sure her hairs weren't pulled. Was she nervous? Of course she was. It had taken so much convincing from the FIFA associates to get her to come to this event. She had made sure to get a mask that nearly covered her whole face so that no one could recognize her. (Mask above) She took a deep breath and gave herself a small pep-talk. Okay Alex. All you have to do, is go out there, meet some people, do your thing, and that's all. With that, she made her way out into the crowded hallway. 

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Marco's POV

"This women's world cup is in France too  so more action for us on top of everything," Kylian said and we agreed. 

Suddenly, he went quiet, staring past my shoulder. 

"Who's that?" he whispered, nodding his head behind me. I turned to look and spotted a tall figure dressed in black. It was a tall, skinny, girl, possibly a Victoria Secret model or something.  wearing a black gown with a slit up the side exposing her long legs. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail with a black mask carefully tied around her head. Her black heels making her appear taller than she already was. 

As if she felt my gaze, she turned, making my breath catch in my throat

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As if she felt my gaze, she turned, making my breath catch in my throat. I didn't know her, but I felt drawn to her. I strained my eyes trying to catch sight of her eyes or anything to give me a hint as to who she was. I felt sure that I had seen her before but I just couldn't place her. I tore my eyes away and went back to focusing on what Kylian Mbappé was saying. 

Ten minutes later

"Have you spoken to Alex?" Kylian whispered, catching me off guard. 

"No," I answered shaking my head. 

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