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-not edited-

Alex POV

After talking to Robert, Thomas, and Marco, I realized that I hadn't seen Hanna in a while. I said goodbye and looked around for her. I spotted her getting a drink. As I got closer, I saw something that made my blood run cold. I ran towards her and quickly pulled her into the bathroom. 

"Alex what are you doin-" she stops, catching sight of herself in the mirror. A trickle of red liquid runs down her leg. Her face turns ashen as her she stares. 

"Hanna, stay here and don't move," I command, rushing out to find Marco. I find him and yank him into a secluded area. 

"I need you to get your spare training kit and a sweatshirt from you car, and then meet me in the bathroom," I tell him. 

"What why?" he asks confused. 

"Just do it. And hurry,"I call as he heads off. 

I hurry back into the bathroom. I find Hanna exactly where I left her. Still staring at her reflection in disbelief. 

"Alex? What's happening?" she asks, softly. 

"You're going to be fine. Come let's get you cleaned up," I say, avoiding her question. 

"Does it hurt?" I whisper.

"Not anymore," she replies, softly. 

"Alex, what's going on?" Marco asks, rushing into the bathroom. His eyes widen as he sees the bloody mess. 

"Hanna are you okay?"

"She's fine. We need to get her to the hospital," I say quietly, in Marco's ear. Hanna quickly changes into Marco's clothes and we head out the back door. 

"I told mom that we're leaving early," Marco said. 

"Good," I answer, backing out of the parking spot. Hanna had been quiet this whole time. As the shock began to wear off, she started to panic. 

"My baby, is it going to be okay?" she gasped, her eyes wide in fear. I don't reply and speed up. I send Marco a pleading look, telling him to calm her down. 

"Hanna, you need to calm down," he says gently, reaching back from the passenger seat to hold her hand. "It's bad for the baby." 

That immediately makes her calm down. I glance back for a millisecond. I slam the brakes as fast as possible, as a car switches lanes in front of me. My heart hammers out of my chest and I take a deep breath. 

"Sorry about that," I mutter, before continuing. I can feel Marco's stare on me. I pull into the hospital emergency area. 

"Why are we at the ER?" Hanna asks innocently. 

"We need to do something here," I answer, vaguely. We head in and I go up to the front desk.

"Call your mom and tell her to come here," I say to Marco. 

"Alex, I don't get what happened," Marco says quietly. I sit on the hospital floor and hide my face in Marco's chest. How am I going to tell him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Marco's POV

I'm worried about Hanna and Alex. Alex seems really worried about something. I don't get what happened with Hanna. Could it be something with the baby? No that would be impossible. I thought. 

"Alex please tell me," I plead, drawing circles on her back. She seems really panicked, so I try to calm her down. It seems to be working because her muscles relaxed slowly. 

"Marco?" I hear a voice. I look up to see my mother standing there with a worried  expression. "Where's Hanna?"

"She's with the doctor," I reply. 

"Why? What happened? Is she okay?" my mother questions. I'm about to reply when the door to Hanna's room opens and the doctor steps out. 

"Hello," she greets.

"Hello, how is she?" I ask. The doctor sighs and motions us into a room. I look back and realize that Alex hasn't followed. I'm about to go back and get her but she slowly shakes her head, with a small smile on her face. 

"She won't be joining us," the doctor says, giving me a sympathetic smile, making me even more confused. What is happening?

"Mr. and Mrs. Reus," the doctor begins. "I have good and bad news."

What she says next shocks me.

"Hanna, had a miscarriage. The baby didn't make it."

"No," my mother shakes her head in disbelief. 

"I'm sorry," the doctor says. I sit there letting the information sink in. 

"NO!" I yell, standing up abruptly. I tug at the roots of my hair. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

"There is good news. Hanna is fine. She will be able to have kids in the future. It's normal to have miscarriages at this time." the doctor explains. We stay silent. The doctor takes this as a sign to continue.

"We want to keep her overnight. Just to monitor her."

"Does she know?" I ask suddenly.

"Pardon?" the doctor asks confused.

"Does she know that she, you know," I ask, not wanting to say the word. 

"Not yet. Would you like me to tell her or..."

"No I'll tell her," I reply. 

"Thank You," my mother says quietly to the doctor. I don't realize where my feet are taking me. I let them guide me outside where I find Alex. She sees me and immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Did you know?" I ask. She nods. "That's why you didn't come in?"

"Yeah. I couldn't listen to it come from the doctors mouth."

"I have to tell her"

She gently guides me to her room and opens the door. 

- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

Alex POV

"NO! Stop lying!" I hear Hanna yell from inside her room. I close my eyes. How did things go this wrong? Why did life have to be so cruel? 

But, that's how life goes. After all, it kills you. Life is hard. You will fall, you will fail, and you will be hurt but remember, what hurts you. Makes you stronger. ❤

- - - - - - - - - 

okay this chapter was sad but I'm proud of it ngl. France vs. USA today was aaaawesome! I literally had no clue which side to choose so I was neutral but then US went ahead and won so I was okay w it. My family thinks I'm insane because I didn't choose a side. I'm a lil nervous for semi-finals tbh. Tmrw is Sweden vs. Germany and Netherlands vs. Italy. See y'all soon ✌.

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