I know

135 7 2

^ Gif ;) 

Alex POV

I sit on my windowsill watching the cars pass by in the distance. Just like I have for the past 6 hours. I feel frustrated and helpless. I hate making others disappointed. I let Lucien down. He trusted me and I broke his trust. I wish I could go back in time and erase everything. Even Marco didn't believe me. Did he even love me? If he had, he would've believed me. I felt a wet tear slip down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and stand up. I will not cry over this, I say to myself. If they want me gone, that's what's going to happen. I reach into the back of my closet and pull out my suitcase. I frantically stuff my suitcase with all my belongings. My breathing became faster and faster and I began to feel dizzy. I stop and clutch my head, tugging at my hair. Why does this always happen to me? 

"Alex? Where are you?" I hear Hanna call, her voice sounding worried.

I clear my throat before replying, "In the bathroom." I wipe my tears and plaster a fake smile on my face. Opening the door to my bathroom, I find Hanna standing there.

"Where are you going?" she asks. 

"I'm going back to the states," I answer, giving her a smile.

"What? Why? All of a sudden? Does Marco know?"

"Yeah he knows."

"Are you okay? You don't look okay."

I sigh, sitting on my bed. She takes a seat next to me as I start to explain everything. Her eyes widen as I finish recapping the events of yesterday. 

"Do you need help packing?" 

"Yes please. You're a lifesaver."

"I know," she replies sending me a wink. We laugh before getting to work. After 2 hours of sorting and folding, the room is bare. Just like the day I came. I feel lightheaded as memories rush back. 

After another 30 minutes, I make up my mind to head down to the stadium to give Lucien some remaining documents.  I walk out onto the pitch and as usual, everyone ignores me. I quietly hand over my papers to Lucien. Hanna, who decided to accompany me, taps my shoulder. 

"What is she doing here?" she whispers in my ear. I follow her gaze to the new staff member. Brittany. My mind was sending me warning signals. I gave her a hard stare trying to figure out what my brain was trying to tell me. Then it hit me. Her blonde hair. She was the one I had seen outside of Lucien's office. 

"Holy shit,"I breathed.

"What?"Hanna asks.

"She was eavesdropping on my meeting with Lucien."

"And she was the one who leaked the information," Hanna finished for me. Before I could even blink, Hanna was at Lucien's side.

"Coach, Alex wasn't the one who told the press about the transfers," she exclaims. 

"Excuse me?"he says, raising an eyebrow at her. 

"Brittany was eavesdropping on your meeting," she explains. 

"Did Alex put you up to this?" Brittany interrupts.

"What?" I blurt, glaring at her. 

"Oh my gosh, are you deaf or something?" she asks, her high pitched voice hurting my ears. 

"Hanna, leave it," Lucien says sternly. 

"Are you serious?" Hanna gasped, her mouth open in shock. "You know what, you probably planned this whole thing."

"What are you trying to say?"he asks, daring her to repeat herself. 

"Everyone began paying Alex more attention when she came and now you want the spotlight back on youself," she accuses. A heavy silence spreads upon us. The only thing heard is my harsh breathing and the leaves rustling in the wind. 

"You should leave," Marco speaks up, not looking at us. I take in a sharp breath, nearly stumbling back at his words.

"Yeah and take that pathetic bitch with you," Brittany adds. Hanna glares at everyone before spinning on her heels. She grabs my arm and drags me away. I let her guide me since I'm too numb to know what I'm doing. I don't say a word as we enter my room again. She helps me grab the suitcases and I put them into the car. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"I'll miss you," she says softly. 

"I'll miss you too." We give each other a big hug. 

"Will I see you again?"

I fiddle with my fingers before giving her my honest answer, "No."

"Don't forget me," she whispers, smiling through tears. "

"Never," I reply.

"Make sure to call!"

With that, I get into the car and the driver backs out of the driveway. I continue staring at the Signal Iduna Stadium. I crane my neck, trying not to lose sight of it as the car moves farther and farther away. Soon, it becomes a tiny speck in my vision. Just like it has in my heart. 

- - - - - - - - - - 

Oop- I'm sorry guys this chapter was so sad. *sniffles* I'm mad a Marco smh. He should've supported her. Hanna is the best friend we all need. 

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