Stranger Danger

165 6 0

Alex POV

It's been a week since the incident. Hanna decided not to tell anyone since no one knew that she was pregnant in the first place. She's been distant from everyone. Marco and I have tried to get her to forget about what happened but nothing seems to work. I don't blame her though. I would probably do the same. Aside from being distant, she's been acting really weird. She keeps glancing at her phone. Whenever I catch her texting someone, she hides it.

"Marco, do you know what's up with Hanna?" I ask.

"No, what do you mean?" he asks.

"It's probably nothing but I feel like she's hiding something," I admit.

"Well she's going through a rough time, " Marco says.

"I know. It's just, I'm worried" I say, jumping onto the bed and snuggling into his chest.

"Don't worry about it. She'll tell her when she's ready," he says.

"You're right," I answer. He plays with my hair, making me feel oddly calm. I feel my eyes slowly close, and I drift off to sleep.

- -  - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - -

I jolt awake and look around. I notice the sun setting outside the window. I also notice that Marco was no longer next to me. I get up, fix my hair and step into the hall. I'm about to go into my room when I hear yelling downstairs. I quickly run down the stairs, two at a time. Heading into the foyer I see all the boys surrounding someone.

"I need to see her," the person shouts.

"Why? She doesn't even know you!" Mario exclaims.

"Yeah, what makes you think you can just walk in here?" Auba asks.

"Everyone stop!" I shout, making everyone turn to look at me. I shove my way through to the man. He looks about 5'10 with brown hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a Nike hoodie with black jeans. He has an accent which I'm assuming is French. I make everyone except Marco leave the room so that we could have some privacy.

"Who are you," I ask.

"My name is Louis. I'm um. A friend of Hanna's."

"A friend?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"I met her at a club."

"Okay, we'll talk about that later," I cut him off.

"Why and how did you get here?"

"I saw the background picture on her phone with Marco."

"So you came to Signal Iduna to look for her." I finish. He nods. His eyes no longer focus on mine as they look behind me.

"Louis?" Hanna says in surprise. Louis rushes to her.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you answer any of my calls?"

"You know him?" I ask in surprise. Hanna sighs before answering.

"He's the guy I met at the club."

Marco, who had been quietly watching this whole time, shouts "You asshole!" He lunges, swinging a punch at him. His fist makes contact with his jawline, making a sickening smack.

"Marco stop!" Hanna and I shout. But of course, he doesn't listen.

Louis retaliates jabbing his knee into his stomach. I quickly shove myself in between them as the door opens revealing the rest of the boys. I ignore them and focus on separating the boys. I manage to shove them apart and push Marco to Auba and Mario to hold him back. In the process, I got hit by Louis.

"You have the nerve to show up here and start throwing punches?" I growl, standing to my full height. I get close to him so that our chests are almost touching, and look into his eyes. With all my force, I throw a punch into his cheek. He stumbles a back in shock before recovering. He attempts to throw a punch but I grab his hand and twist it behind him. He catches me by surprise by flipping me over his shoulder. I land on my back on the floor. I cough, trying to get air back into my lungs. He leans over me but I shove my foot into his chest. I grab him in a choke hold until he falls, limp, to the ground. I push the hair out of my face, and catch my breath.

"Everyone out!" I hear Lucien's voice call.

"Alex are you okay?" Marco asks, cupping my face in his hands.

"I'm fine," I say brushing his hands away and going up to my room. I hear him pad after me. As soon as the door to my room is closed, I explode.

"What were you thinking Marco?! Do you realize that he can ruin your career like that?!" I ask, snapping my fingers. "Heck you could've ruined mine!"

"Well, what did you expect me to do?! Alex, he got my sister pregnant!"

"Yes, I understand that but can you at least try to control your anger?!"

"Are you saying I have anger issues?"

"Ughh" I groan, pulling at my hair. I close my eyes and rub my temples.

"That's not what I meant," I say calmly."Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"No I'm sorry too. I yelled at you too. And you're right. I should've controlled my anger better," Marco sighs. We stand there and look into each others eyes.

"Your lip is bleeding," I say pulling him into the bathroom. I take out the first aid kit and clean his kit. I feel his stare as I work.

"Stop looking at me like that," I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up. He caresses my cheek with his thumb.

"How can I when you're so beautiful," he says. That makes me grin like a little girl. I get on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his lips. But he's having none of that. He smashes his lips on to mine, pushing me up against the wall. I pull away remembering that he's "injured". He groans and gives me a pouty face. This boy will be the death of me.

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This chapter was kinda random, oops. It's been sooo hot here in France. I'm pretty sure I melted a few times. US is off to the finals!im being shunned by my cousins cuz I'm "unbothered" that France lost. I've been trying to get tickets back to the US in time for the final but I'm not rlly sure if I'll be able to. Sooo, wish me luck!

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